
Showing posts from August, 2010

SSIS Derived Column - Is there a good way to trim 400+ columns? -

i have import fixed width flat file , has 486 columns. each 1 needs trimmed before arriving database. know derived column allows me 1 @ time, there way mass rtrim(ltrim( on columns? two ways (both biml ways assumed you've gathered metadata column names): 1 - script two ways here also: inputbuffer, or biml row. function inputbuffer provided , i'm sure can create own row. public class scriptmain : usercomponent { private pipelinebuffer inputbuffer; public override void preexecute() { base.preexecute(); } public override void postexecute() { base.postexecute(); } public override void processinput(int inputid, microsoft.sqlserver.dts.pipeline.pipelinebuffer buffer) { // need access pipelinebuffer isn't exposed in processinputrow inputbuffer = buffer; base.processinput(inputid, buffer); } public override void input0_processinputrow(input0buffer row) { stripleadingtrailingwhitespacebyinputbuffer(inputbuffer)

excel - Converting different date formats -

this continuation of other question how convert quarter years other format ok need convert more stuff :) i need convert yyyy-mm yyww ex. 2022-10 2241 // week 41 because halfway through 0ctober. i need w.yyww become yyww , v.yyww yyww week in swedish (vecka) and last not least need have convertion previous question yyyy-quarter(1234) yyww code used that =1*if(isnumber(-a1),a1,mid(a1,3,2) & choose(right(a1,1),"08",20,33,46)) best case scenario if 1 formula convert of these yyww because referencing cell timeline work.¨ week of month take. took week of day 15 in every month. can take them 4 weeks apart or whatever method u might use. exact week or date not needed take close middle of month. 1 january 02 2 february 07 3 march 11 4 april 15 5 may 19 6 june 24 7 july 28 8 aug 33 9 sep 37 10 oct 41 11 nov 45 12 dec 49 ex. 2019-05 becomes 1919 2023-11 becomes 2345 2016-08 becomes 1633 alright w.yymm yymm , v.yymm yymm sam

java - I need to convert a date in String format to an actual date in order to check if it's Friday -

i have date in string format, in following manner "2016-07-08" (8th july 2016). need check if friday, reason date change , need check if provided date friday. using following code (assume startdate string holds date): dateformat formatter = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd"); date = formatter.parse(startdate); cal.settime(date); if(cal.get(calendar.day_of_week) == calendar.friday){ system.out.println("it's friday!!!!"); } i tried outputting value stored in cal, , returning mon jan 04 00:00:00 cet 2016. capital y week-year. meant yyyy-mm-dd (with lower case y year). the javadoc lists valid patterns.

android - Recommendation different sizes -

i receiving push notifications server creates recommendation , posts recommendation row. however, recommendation card smaller bigger. loading images glide bitmap object, set in builder. when bigger card, displays image, when smaller card, wont display image. happening when send more 1 same notification same content (same source image). tried load images , crop them same size did not help. this recommendation build(): notification notification = new notificationcompat.bigpicturestyle( new notificationcompat.builder(mcontext) .setautocancel(true) .setcontenttitle(mtitle) .setcontenttext(mdescription) .setpriority(mpriority) .setlocalonly(true) .setongoing(true) .setcolor(mcontext.getresources().getcolor(r.color.fastlane_background)) .setcategory(notification.category_recommendation) .setlarg

MYSQL - Having trouble with query involving multiple tables -

i need writing query find name of students enrolled in course taught professor wrote article called "x" i have code find professor wrote article, i'm having trouble joining tables find names of students enrolled in course taught prof. select first_name, last_name, title) intellectual_contributions ic, ic_contributors icc, stakeholders s title ="x" , ic.ic_id=icc.ic_id , icc.stakeholder_id=s.stakeholder_id you need more inner join 's. also, try use join ed syntax. select aa.first_name, aa.last_name, cc.title stakeholders aa inner join ic_contributors bb on aa.stakeholder_id = bb.stakeholder_id inner join intellectual_contributions cc on bb.ic_id = cc.ic_id inner join course_enrollments dd on aa.stakeholder_id = dd.stakeholder_id cc.title = "x";

css - How to convert the image to css3 gradient -

since not working anymore, there can convert image css3 gradient? i checked few sites like: but nothing worked me

java - Create custom layout in XML to initialize in code or in another layout xml -

i have encountered issue trying resolve (or understand better way should done) in creation of custom layout in android. i want create custom relativelayout class use, defined in layout xml file. my_relative_layout.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <com.mypackage.myrelativelayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <imageview android:id="@+id/image_view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@null" android:scaletype="fitstart" android:src="@drawable/my_drawable"/> <textview android:id="@+id/text_view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"

ssas - Getting year-end values from prior year on each result row of MDX query -

i have snapshot fact table time grain of monthly , measure values point in time, not cumulative on time. need derive previous year-end value compare given month's values end of previous year so: | month | val1 | prevyeval | | 2014-10 | 101 | 100 | | 2014-11 | 103 | 100 | | 2014-12 | 105 | 100 | | 2015-01 | 110 | 105 | | 2015-02 | 115 | 105 | | 2015-03 | 113 | 105 | ... | 2015-12 | 120 | 105 | | 2016-01 | 130 | 120 | etc... i'm using ssas , time dimension table set such year->quarter->month->day hierarchy. i can find solutions previous month, rolling number of months , getting ytd cumulative value straight point in time point in time comparison. i'm trying use lag, ancestor, and/or parallelperiod can't seem above result set. try: create member currentcube.[measures].[prevyeval] null; scope([date].[calendar hierarchy].[month].members); [measures].[prevyeval]=([

testing - How to click on some image which occurs multiple times on screen with sikuli with java? -

i writing script automation in java searches recordings mobile number , finds multiple recording in gridview. next trying download recordings clicking download (multiple)button(s). have written below code not work public static screen s = new screen(); iterator <match> matches =s.findall("downloadbtn_wh.png"); // s screen pattern pbutton = new pattern("downloadbtn_wh.png"); match mbutton; while (matches.hasnext()) { match m =; // m inspected debugging; // click on drop-down if ((mbutton = s.exists(pbutton))!=null) { // checks button image , saves match; // click match, not search again break; } } this script stops after clicking on first download button expect should click on every download button in gridview. images the below code perform require. @test public void multiplepattern() throws findfailed{ imagepath.setbundlepath("c:\\patterns\\&quo

aws cli - Sending files using aws sync -

i'm using aws sync command have jenkins send files s3. problem aws sync sends same file again though has same file name 1 in s3. because have tar untar file before sending s3 , tarring , untar changes modification time. there anyway send files s3 more efficiently same file not sent? you can specify --size-only flag make size of each object criteria used decide whether sync source destination. ( docs )

python - @Api annotation of swagger is not generating the resourcePath for endpoints -

i trying create python client using swagger documentation. resourcepath "/" so, swagger-codegen-cli not creating pyhton client. why resourcepath empty ? how can fixed ? in advance.. { "apiversion": "1.0", "swaggerversion": "1.2", "basepath": "/", "resourcepath": "/",

java - Maven install succeeds, but jar doesn't work correctly from bash (CLI) -

currently i'm working on project in company imports xml data our database. while doing rely on basic configuration projects have been created , used in other projects, i.e. entitymanagerbuilder or other utility classes used in order create connection our oracle database. , seems me dependencies creating problems me. my project runs fine if start within eclipse. , when create project mvn clean install -dskiptests builds fine. when want run command line application starts , after few lines of code stops, without throwing errors or exceptions. the reason why think has dependencies logging managed find point application stops. since stopped @ point investigate, did that. downloaded sources added logging , application had no problems @ class, instead stopped next static call other class. i have no idea @ search error. since application has run self monthly task, executing eclipse not option. hopefully can give me hint how solve this. here pom: <project xmlns="h

Android elevation shadows not showing at runtime -

i'm trying utilize elevation attributes display drop shadows. can see images, displays fine in android studio when run on device, 1 of drop shadows disappears. why 1 show not other? image android studio screenshot marshmallow device <scrollview xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@color/white_80" > <linearlayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical"> <linearlayout android:id="@+id/booking_details_top_block" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical" andro

Angular 2 - Http provider error -

i'm starting angular 2 , i'm trying http request. the code follows import { component, view, bootstrap } 'angular2/angular2'; import { todoinput } './todoinput.ts'; import { todolist } './todolist.ts'; import { todoservice } './todoservice.ts'; import { httpservice } './httpservice.ts'; @component({ selector: 'my-app' }) @ view({ directives: [todoinput, todolist] templateurl: 'templates/app.html' }) class appcomponent { color: string; numbr: number; hidden: boolean; constructor(public myservice: todoservice, public https: httpservice) { this.color = 'blue'; this.numbr = 5; this.hidden = false; https.gethttpdata(); } } bootstrap(appcomponent, [todoservice, httpservice]); and http service follows: import { http, http_providers } 'angular2/http'; import {injectable} 'angular2/core' @injectable() export class httpservice { private url: string = 'h

jquery - Bootstrap datetimepicker TypeError: $(...).datetimepicker is not a function -

hi i'm getting below error when trying apply bootstrap datetimepicker input. i've checked source , i'm not referencing of js libraries twice. i've tried shuffling order of references without luck. does know might doing wrong? i'm using: error: uncaught typeerror: $(...).datetimepicker not function start of _layout.chtml: <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/moment.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet"

c++ - How do I get variables from a class and put it into another class, and put it into a constructor? -

i'm having bit of problem here. have assignment in class made 3 header files(.h files) , 3 .cpp files. assignments person date , time. i display them see. person.h #include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef person #define person class person { private: string firstname; string lastname; public: person(); person(string,string); void displayperson(); }; #endif person.cpp #include <iostream> #include "person.h" using namespace std; person::person() { firstname=" "; lastname=" "; } person::person(string fn, string ln) { firstname=fn; lastname=ln; } void person::displayperson() { cout<<firstname<<", "<<lastname; } date.h #include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef date #define date class date { private: string month; string day; string year; public: date(); date(string,string,string); void displaydate(); }; #endif // date date.cpp

git - Odd Circumstances lost my whole xcode project from github -

i write heavy heart, another programmer started project on computer. unbeknownst me had set git repo had never worked before, had never pushed or synced of data. i put in few weeks work on project, try crank out , assume being saved hard-drive. come , files reverted when received other programmer. call other programmer. other programmer informs me deleted repo start fresh on git hub. i'm guessing files never saved hard drive have been lost git hub delete? ideas || solutions || suggestions? your project stored locally deleting github repository doesn't affect it. use git log see if there commit can go to. if there 1 can use git checkout <commit> switch state. also can check if code on other branch. list branches use git branch switch git checkout <branch> you can try use git stash list , see if there dirty working directory can restore git stash apply <stash>

python - How to resample starting from the first element in pandas? -

i resampling following table/data: timestamp l_x l_y l_a r_x r_y r_a 2403950 621.3 461.3 313 623.3 461.8 260 2403954 622.5 461.3 312 623.3 462.6 260 2403958 623.1 461.5 311 623.4 464 261 2403962 623.6 461.7 310 623.7 465.4 261 2403966 623.8 461.5 309 623.9 466.1 261 2403970 620.9 461.4 309 623.8 465.9 259 2403974 621.7 461.1 308 623 464.8 258 2403978 622.1 461.1 308 621.9 463.9 256 2403982 622.5 461.5 308 621 463.4 255 2403986 622.4 462.1 307 620.7 463.3 254 the table goes on , on that. timestamps in milliseconds. did following resample 100milliseconds bin time: i changed timestamp index datetime format df.index = pd.to_datetime((df.index.values*1e6).astype(int)) i resampled in 100milliseconds: df = df.resample('100l') the resulting resampled data following: timestamp l_x l_y l_a r_x r_y r_a 240390

function - How do JavaScript closures work? -

how explain javascript closures knowledge of concepts consist of (for example functions, variables , like), not understand closures themselves? i have seen the scheme example given on wikipedia, unfortunately did not help. javascript closures beginners submitted morris on tue, 2006-02-21 10:19. community-edited since. closures not magic this page explains closures programmer can understand them — using working javascript code. not gurus or functional programmers. closures not hard understand once core concept grokked. however, impossible understand reading academic papers or academically oriented information them! this article intended programmers programming experience in mainstream language, , can read following javascript function: function sayhello(name) { var text = 'hello ' + name; var = function() { console.log(text); } say(); } sayhello('joe'); an example of closure two 1 sentence summaries: a closure 1 w

javascript - How to handle users in `_users` database with many applications in the same CouchDB instance? -

according matt woodward's blog, in the definitive guide couchdb authentication , security points out things couchdb i'm not sure understand completly. he says: "basically way security works in couchdb users stored in _users database (or elsewhere if like; can changed in config file)...". so, users of whole couchdb stored in single database, right? means if have more 1 application running in different databases within same couchdb i'd have handle users want access both application, correct? he says "database readers can read documents , views on specific database, , have no other permissions". then, adds "by default databases read/write enabled anonymous users, if define database admins on database". so anonymous users can or can't read documents in specific database? i'll start out saying articles, while still informative, several years old , possibly outdated. recommend reading through official docume

mysql - Hierarchical Query Advantages -

i have huge database tables filled scientific names, in parent-child relationship, this... taxon | parent mammalia | chordata carnivora | mammalia canidae | carnivora canis | canidae canis-lupus | canis i installed postgresql , started working on hierarchical query, it's far more complex thought. i'm thinking of sticking mysql , going original scheme, looks this: taxon | parent | family | order mammalia | chordata | (null) | (null) carnivora | mammalia | (null) | carnivora canidae | carnivora | canidae | carnivora canis | canidae | canidae | carnivora canis-lupus | canis | canidae | carnivora it looks amateurish, surprised discover catalogue of life apparently uses same scheme, more columns , on million rows. with scheme, can count children , grandchildren counting number of species match > canidae, example. , can use series of "stairstep" queries figure out names of great grandparents, etc. so wondered benefits of hierarchical queries

Returning HashMap of results in MyBatis (rather than List) -

can mybatis return hashmap of results, instead of list? e.g. given table: foo | bar 1 | 2 | b and query select foo, bar foobar return result of hashmap<string, string> map map.get(1) == 'a' , map.get(2) == 'b' etc? i've tried variations on following: <resultmap id="hashmapresult" type="java.util.hashmap"> <id column="foo" /> <result property="bar" column="bar"/> </resultmap> <select id="personstatuses" resultmap="hashmapresult"> select foo, bar foobar </select> but error: expected 1 result (or null) returned selectone(), found: ... where tables have primary keys, more useful able results map of pk => row, list of rows. you have pivot table, let column foo 's rows column, mybatis can not this, can use sql achieve this(here mysql solution): select max(case when foo

dynamic - Unbounded Knapsack to minimize the total value -

i trying find solution minimum knapsack problem (least profitable set of items such total weight of selected items @ least capacity c.) i trying modify following maximum knapsack problem min version without success. could solve problem? public class unboundedknapsack { public static int filltable(int capacity, int[] weight, int[] value) { int i, j; int[][] maxvalue = new int[value.length][capacity + 1]; (j = 0; j < weight[0]; j++) { maxvalue[0][j] = 0; } (j = 0; j <= capacity; j++) { maxvalue[0][j] = value[0] * (j / weight[0]); } (i = 1; < value.length; i++) { (j = 0; j < weight[i]; j++) { maxvalue[i][j] = maxvalue[i - 1][j]; } (j = weight[i]; j <= capacity; j++) { maxvalue[i][j] = math.max(maxvalue[i - 1][j], value[i] + maxvalue[i][j - weight[i]]); } } return maxvalue[value.length - 1][capacity]; } }

java - Using backend service providers with standalone applications -

i developing restaurant pos & ordering system college project, i'm hoping develop standalone java/c# (still deciding) app serve pos , adding menu items + android app waiters take orders customers. i'd connect these 2 apps , backend i'm looking integrating firebase or back4app since parse being discontinued, choice? i'd pointers on how set database connection internet based backend service provider firebase or back4app standalone application. please feel free suggest other possible routes take connect these 2 apps together. thanks! the firebase realtime database component includes java server sdk , rest api used integrating standalone application. there java sdk documentation here:

A MySQL query that will match any combination of an array -

i have series of words in string/array combination of state/province, city , business name. the state/province first value in list. both business names , cities can single or multiple words. for example: ca|anaheim|khs|ice|arena = khs ice arena in anaheim, ca ca|anaheim|the|rinks|anaheim = rinks anaheim, anaheim ca ca|los|angeles|pickwick|skating|rink ny|manhatten|trump|center|skating|rink qc|fond|du|lac|blue|line|family|ice|center qc|fond|du|lac|spectrum|roller|skating|rink there more cities businesses imagine efficient first find matches exist among business names. if none, end. if match or matches found among combination of words in array loop through combination or words find match or matches business name exists within particular city. as tables , rows have 2 tables joined on zip combination: tbl_location.location_id, tbl_location.location_name, tbl_location.location_zip tbl_postal.location_city, tbl_postal.location_state,, tbl_postal

c++ - std::unique_ptr instantiate error trying to place inside std::map? -

so i'm using sfml , boost libraries trying write resourcemanager class. i'm using std::map contain resources. have heard std::unique_ptr because of memory cleanup (or along lines). this resourcemanager class looks like: #pragma once #include <boost/any.hpp> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <sfml/graphics.hpp> #include "resource.h" class resourcemanager { public: resourcemanager(); void clear(); void dump(); boost::any getresource(std::string s); sf::texture loadtexture(std::string s, sf::intrect d); void unloadtexture(std::string s); private: std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<boost::any>> resource; }; here method i'm trying use load objects map sf::texture resourcemanager::loadtexture(std::string s, sf::intrect d) { std::unique_ptr<sf::texture> t; if (!t->loadfromfile(s, d)) std::cout << "error loadi

regex - Create new list from old using re.sub() in python 2.7 -

my goal take xml file, pull out instances of specific element, remove xml tags, work on remaining text. i started this, works remove xml tags, entire xml file: from urllib import urlopen import re url = [url of xml file here] #the url of file search raw = urlopen(url).read() #open file , read variable exp = re.compile(r'<.*?>') text_only = exp.sub('',raw).strip() i've got this, text2 = soup.find_all('quoted-block') , creates list of quoted-block elements (yes, know need import beautifulsoup). but can't figure out how apply regex list resulting soup.find_all. i've tried use text_only = [item item in text2 if exp.sub('',item).strip()] , variations keep getting error: typeerror: expected string or buffer what doing wrong? you don't want regex this. instead use beautifulsoup's existing support grabbing text : quoted_blocks = soup.find_all('quoted-block') text_chunks = [block.get_text() blo

javascript - Stepping through a video file with reveal.js -

problem , question in reveal.js presentation, want include long video file. want have playblack stop @ positions, have time explain audience they’re seeing. then, want have playback continue when click. how can this? unsuccessful attempts far my attempts follows. split video file parts 1.webm , 2.webm , 3.webm , on, such each part ends want have break. idea to override keydown event of reveal.js doesn’t go next slide, instead executes javascript. how can this? <div class="slides"> <section class="video-stepper"> <video> <source data-src="1.webm" type="video/webm" /> </video> </section> </div> <script> $(function() { // how can this? reveal.addeventlistener('click', function(event) { if ($(event.currentslide).hasclass('video-stepper')) { event.preventdefault(); // chang

c++ - String vector input and query operation -

in c++ code, acquire user-defined number of input strings. next user enters user-defined number of query strings. each query string, want output number of instances, in collection of strings input user. here code: #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int n, q; cout << "enter number of strings : "; cin >> n; vector <string> strinp(n); string sbuf; // storing strings in vector cout << "enter strings:" << endl; (int = 0; < n; i++) { cin >> sbuf; strinp.push_back(sbuf); } // storing queries cout << "enter number of queries : "; cin >> q; vector <string> query(q); string qbuf; cout<<" enter query strings"<< endl; (int = 0; < q; i++) { cin >> qbuf; query.pus

jquery - Multiple filtering -

i'd filter list of elements title attributes. <img name="chrome_brillant" title="chrome brillant" src=#"> <img name="chrome_brillant" title="chrome red mat" src=#"> <img name="chrome_brillant" title="chrome jaune" src=#"> using search field (text input), can keywords in title attribute. but find second item, "red chrome" input, , hide other items ? thanks, jérémie. $('img').filter(":contains('red'), :contains('chrome')")

node.js - Mongoose - get length of array in model -

i have mongoose schema: var postschema = mongoose.schema({ postid: { type: number, unique: true }, upvotes: [ { type: number, unique: true } ] }); what best query use length of upvotes array? don't believe need use aggregation because want query 1 model, need length of upvotes array given model. really struggling find info online - search mentions aggregation methodology don't believe need. also, side note, unique schema property of upvotes array doesn't work, perhaps doing wrong. find results can include content docs themselves 1 , while aggregate can project new values derived doc's content (like array's length). that's why need use aggregate this, though you're getting single doc. post.aggregate([{$match: {postid: 5}}, {$project: {upvotes: {$size: '$upvotes'}}}]) 1 single exception $meta projection operator project $text query result's scor

centos - Dependency problems between php 5.3 and php 5.6 -

originally had php 5.3 installed in centos machine (version 6.4) .. upgraded version of php 5.6 using these commands lines : yum remove php-common yum install php56w yum install php56w-mysql yum install php56w-common yum install php56w-pdo yum install php56w-opcache actually when run php -v gives me : 5.6. however when i'm trying install package php-devel: sudo yum install php-devel --skip-broken it gives me : packages skipped because of dependency problems: php-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 base php-cli-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 base php-common-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 base php-devel-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 base how may correct dependency problem ? thanks you should install 5.6 version of php-devel. sudo yum install php56w-devel on link can see list of packages centos , php5.6 on "packages" section:

c# - Latest logged in date mvc -

the code working , saving down last time user logged in, problem can't log in. it's loading short time when trying log in , still seeing login view not view supposed see after(when login succeeded). // get: /account/login [allowanonymous] public actionresult login(string returnurl) { viewbag.returnurl = returnurl; return view(); } // // post: /account/login [httppost] [allowanonymous] [validateantiforgerytoken] public async task<actionresult> login(loginviewmodel model, string returnurl, applicationuser app) { if (!modelstate.isvalid) { app = db.users.singleordefault(u => u.username ==; app.lastloggedin =; db.entry(app).state = entitystate.modified; db.savechanges(); return view(model); } what wrong code? when use return view(model); you returning in fact return view(&quo

php - Javascript that saves what user typed -

i have website similar pastebin. there text box on index.php , captcha code complete after finish typing upload paste. if enter wrong code, many do, including me, new page comes says mistyped, when go index.php have written in text box gone? isn't cookies or cache can save this? here's gif showing mean. i think can fixed using kind of javascript or cookie, don't know 1 or anything? please help. edit: index.php $_session["dox"] = $dox; $hidden = md5(mt_rand()); $_session["hidden"] = $hidden; $poster = md5(mt_rand()); $_session["poster"] = $poster; ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>cloudnine beta - title</title> <link href="style