excel - Converting different date formats -
this continuation of other question how convert quarter years other format
ok need convert more stuff :)
i need convert yyyy-mm yyww ex. 2022-10 2241 // week 41 because halfway through 0ctober.
i need w.yyww become yyww , v.yyww yyww week in swedish (vecka)
and last not least need have convertion previous question yyyy-quarter(1234) yyww code used that
=1*if(isnumber(-a1),a1,mid(a1,3,2) & choose(right(a1,1),"08",20,33,46))
best case scenario if 1 formula convert of these yyww because referencing cell timeline work.¨
week of month take. took week of day 15 in every month. can take them 4 weeks apart or whatever method u might use. exact week or date not needed take close middle of month.
1 january 02
2 february 07
3 march 11
4 april 15
5 may 19
6 june 24
7 july 28
8 aug 33
9 sep 37
10 oct 41
11 nov 45
12 dec 49
ex. 2019-05 becomes 1919
2023-11 becomes 2345
2016-08 becomes 1633
alright w.yymm yymm
, v.yymm yymm
same formula of right(d8,4)
doesn't need change
requires =mid(d8,3,2) & choose(right(d8,1),"08",20,33,46)
and yyyy.mm
requires =mid(d8,3,2)&choose(right(d8,2),"02","07",11,15,19,24,28,33,37,41,45,49)
so need combine formulas , choose between them.
easiest choose length... minimizes nesting.
so =if(len(d8)=4,"#2",if(len(d8)=6,"#1",if(mid(d8,5,1)="-","#3","#4")))
or combined, 1* on front:
=1*if(len(d8)=4,d8,if(len(d8)=6,right(d8,4),if(mid(d8,5,1)="-",mid(d8,3,2) & choose(right(d8,1),"08",20,33,46),mid(d8,3,2)&choose(right(d8,2),"02","07",11,15,19,24,28,33,37,41,45,49))))
next time.... think let yourself. have provided technique of getting there, need use evaluate formula , google see did , how did it
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