Angular 2 - Http provider error -

i'm starting angular 2 , i'm trying http request.

the code follows

import { component, view, bootstrap } 'angular2/angular2'; import { todoinput } './todoinput.ts'; import { todolist } './todolist.ts'; import { todoservice } './todoservice.ts'; import { httpservice } './httpservice.ts';  @component({   selector: 'my-app' }) @ view({   directives: [todoinput, todolist]   templateurl: 'templates/app.html' }) class appcomponent {   color: string;   numbr: number;   hidden: boolean;    constructor(public myservice: todoservice, public https: httpservice) {     this.color = 'blue';     this.numbr = 5;     this.hidden = false;     https.gethttpdata();   }  } bootstrap(appcomponent, [todoservice, httpservice]); 

and http service follows:

import { http, http_providers } 'angular2/http'; import {injectable} 'angular2/core'  @injectable() export class httpservice {      private url: string = '';      data: array[string] = [];         logerror(error):void {         console.log(error);     }      constructor(public http: http) {      }       public gethttpdata() {         this.http.get(this.url)             .map(res => res.json())             .subscribe(                 data => = data,                 err => this.logerror(err),                  () => console.log('random quote complete')             );     } } 

when ran app, following error: exception: no provider e! (appcomponent -> httpservice -> e) , error: di exception

any ideas? missing?

thanks in advance help.

update managed make work. hope it's correct, works:

import { component, view, ngfor, form_directives, bootstrap } 'angular2/angular2'; import { todoinput } './todoinput.ts'; import { todolist } './todolist.ts'; import { todoservice } './todoservice.ts'; import { httpservice } './httpservice.ts'; import { http_providers } 'angular2/http';  @component({   selector: 'my-app' }) @view({   directives: [todoinput, todolist, ngfor, form_directives]   templateurl: 'templates/app.html' }) class appcomponent {   color: string;   numbr: number;   hidden: boolean;   shows: [string] = [];    constructor(public myservice: todoservice, public https: httpservice) {     this.color = 'blue';     this.numbr = 5;     this.hidden = false;   }     searchshows():void {     this.https.gethttpdata(this.keyword).subscribe(       data => this.shows =,       err => console.log(err),       () => console.log('done!')     );   } }  bootstrap(appcomponent, [http_providers, todoservice, httpservice]); 

and service class:

import { http } 'angular2/http'; import { inject } 'angular2/core'  export class httpservice {      private url: string = '';      data: [string] = [];          logerror(error):void {         console.log(error);     }      constructor(@inject(http) public http: http) {     }       public gethttpdata(keyword) {          return this.http.get(this.url + keyword)             .map(res => res.json());     } } 

i can't, however, make work service class uses http needed dependencies. seems main class has bootstrap http_providers. not sure why.

i don't use angular 2, but

  • are sure http_providers inside import? http isn't enough?
  • in provided code have whitespace between "@" , "view" :)


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