javascript - Stepping through a video file with reveal.js -

problem , question

in reveal.js presentation, want include long video file. want have playblack stop @ positions, have time explain audience they’re seeing. then, want have playback continue when click. how can this?

unsuccessful attempts far

my attempts follows. split video file parts 1.webm, 2.webm, 3.webm , on, such each part ends want have break. idea to

  1. override keydown event of reveal.js doesn’t go next slide, instead executes javascript. how can this?

    <div class="slides">     <section class="video-stepper">         <video>             <source data-src="1.webm" type="video/webm" />         </video>     </section> </div>  <script>     $(function() {         // how can this?         reveal.addeventlistener('click', function(event) {             if ($(event.currentslide).hasclass('video-stepper')) {                 event.preventdefault();                 // change 'src' of video element , start playback.             }         });     }); </script> 
  2. use fragments , autoplay video when shown:

    <div class="slides">     <section class="video-stepper">         <video class="fragment current-visible video-step">             <source data-src="1.webm" type="video/webm" />         </video>         <video class="fragment current-visible video-step">             <source data-src="2.webm" type="video/webm" />         </video>         <video class="fragment current-visible video-step">             <source data-src="3.webm" type="video/webm" />         </video>     </section> </div>  <script>     $(function() {         reveal.addeventlistener('fragmentshown', function(event) {             if ($(event.fragment).hasclass('video-step')) {       ;             }         });     }); </script> 

    and css taken question hide reveal.js fragments after appearance, fragments stack on top of each other:

    .fragment.current-visible.visible:not(.current-fragment) {     display: none;     height:0px;     line-height: 0px;     font-size: 0px; } 

    however, comes fading in , out, looks bad. how can avoid fading?

when entering video slide, can disable reveal.js calling reveal.disableeventlisteners(), bind own logic keydown event until you’ve stepped through videos, before enabling reveal.js again reveal.addeventlisteners().

some additional effort required avoid flickering when transitioning next video. can add new <video> element new video, place on top of current <video> of css z-index, play new video, remove old.


<section class="video-stepper">     <!-- unlike other <video> element, 1 not absolutely           positioned. hide css, use reserve space          on slide , compute optimal width , height. -->     <video class="placeholder stretch">         <source src="1.webm">     </video>      <video class="video-step" data-sources='["1.webm","2.webm","3.webm"]'></video> </section> 


.video-stepper {     position: relative; } {     position: absolute;     top: 0;     left: 0; } {     z-index: 10; }  video.placeholder {     visibility: hidden; } 


this bit lengthy, works desired.

reveal.addeventlistener('slidechanged', function(event) {     if ($(event.currentslide).hasclass('video-stepper')) {         // when enter slide step-by-step video, stop reveal.js         //  doing anything. below, define our own keystroke handler.         reveal.removeeventlisteners();          // set width , height of video fills slide.         var stretcher = $(event.currentslide).find('video.placeholder').get(0);         var video = $(event.currentslide).find('').get(0);         video.setattribute('width', stretcher.getattribute('width'));         video.setattribute('height', stretcher.getattribute('height'));          // convert data-sources attribute array of strings.         // iterate through array current_video_index.         var sources = json.parse(video.getattribute('data-sources'));         var current_video_index = 0;          // add <source> element video , set 'src'         // first video.         var source = document.createelement('source');         source.setattribute('src', sources[0]);         video.appendchild(source);          document.addeventlistener('keydown', function step_through_videos(event) {             if (event.which == 39) {                 // right arrow key: show next video                  // next video, create new <video> element                 // , place on top of old <video> element.                 // load , play new. avoids flickering.                 var new_video = $(video).clone().get(0);                 var new_video_source = $(new_video).children('source').get(0);                 new_video_source.src = sources[current_video_index];                 new_video.load();                 $(new_video).addclass('front video-step');                 $(new_video).insertafter(video);       ;                  // wait little before removing old video.                 new promise((resolve) => settimeout(resolve, 500)).then(function() {                     video.remove();                     video = new_video;                     $(video).removeclass('front');                 });                  current_video_index = current_video_index + 1;                  event.preventdefault();             } else if (event.which == 37) {                 // left arrow key: return counter previous video                 current_video_index = current_video_index - 1;                  event.preventdefault();             }              if (0 > current_video_index || current_video_index >= sources.length) {                 // reinstall reveal.js handlers.                  document.removeeventlistener('keydown', step_through_videos, true);                 reveal.addeventlisteners();                 console.log('added reveal.js event listeners.');             }         }, true);     } }); 


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