javascript - Simulate slow typing in Protractor -

sendkeys() method send keys @ once (actually, 1 @ time quickly):

var elm = element("myinput")); elm.sendkeys("test"); 

is there way slow typing down protractor send one character @ time small delay between each of characters?

we can slow down protractor entirely, not change way sendkeys() works , slow down while need "send keys" part , in specific cases.

the idea use browser.actions() , construct series of "send keys" command - 1 every character in string. after every "send keys" command adding delay introducing custom sleep action. @ end, here reusable function we've come with:

function slowtype(elm, keys, delay) {     var action = browser.actions().mousemove(elm).click();      (var = 0; < keys.length; i++) {         action = action.sendkeys(keys[i]).sleep(delay);     }      return action.perform(); } 


slowtype(elm, "some text", 100); 


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