firefox addon sdk - Mozilla JetPack Invalid Filename -

i'm trying create simple mozilla add-on using external js file;

folders & files

/var/www/html/add-ons/hello /var/www/html/add-ons/hello/index.js /var/www/html/add-ons/hello/package.json /var/www/html/add-ons/hello/script/data/test.js 


// import page-mod api var pagemod = require("sdk/page-mod");  // create page-mod pagemod.pagemod({     include             : "*",     contentscriptfile   : "./test.js",     contentscript: 'window.alert("loaded");' }); 


{   "title": "my jetpack addon",   "name": "test",   "version": "0.0.1",   "description": "a basic add-on",   "main": "index.js",   "author": "",   "engines": {     "firefox": ">=38.0a1",     "fennec": ">=38.0a1"   },   "license": "mit",   "keywords": [     "jetpack"   ] } 


alert("hello world");

commands run test

cd /var/www/html/add-ons/hello

jpm init (actually package.json file created command)

jpm run -b /usr/bin/firefox (i use ubuntu run way)

i test live , loaded alert following error;

console.error: script: error opening input stream (invalid filename?): resource://script/data/test.js

the folders , file exist within root folder.

if root; /var/www/html/add-ons/hello shouldn't resource://script/data/test.js referring /var/www/html/add-ons/hello/script/data/test.js?

where doing wrong?

create folder structure below: root folder: /var/www/html/add-ons/hello

place index.js, package.json within root folder. move data packaged within add-on to: /var/www/html/add-ons/hello/data

go root folder - /var/www/html/add-ons/hello run jpm run -b

this create xpi package, launch firefox.exe temporary profile, install add-on.

ex: win 7 x64 test project:  root directory: e:\training\using_angular   directory of e:\training\using_angular  11/01/2015  08:26    <dir>          . 11/01/2015  08:26    <dir>          .. 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          data 09/29/2015  05:02 pm               548 index.js 08/12/2015  08:26 pm               221 package.json   directory of e:\training\using_angular\data  09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          . 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          .. 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          images 08/12/2015  08:26 pm               446 lang.json 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          lib 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          scripts 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          styles 09/29/2015  05:04 pm    <dir>          html   directory of e:\training\using_angular\data\html 08/12/2015  08:26 pm               446 pagescript.html 

during run, 'resource://' folder refers contents packaged in add-on.

for ex: resource://caaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa/data/html/pagescript.html


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