php - Links with single/double quote or space are redirecting -

am testing on localhost, htaccess shown below:

rewriteengine on  rewriterule ^user/(.*)$ pages/user.php?u=$1 [nc,l]   rewriterule ^bookmarks pages/bookmarks.php [qsa]   

if type 'localhost/project/bookmarks' or 'localhost/project/user/username' taken bookmark's page or user's page.

if added characters '({[-,._' php dissect variable, if doesn't comply page's url accepted characters echo error.

but when ' or " or space added, page redirect instead of processing '$_get' request.

book'marks or bookma'rks redirecting

how stop happening?

this not .htaccess or php. firefox offering google's search services. there number of ways fix (in ff's about:config page) might best off typing http before localhost local urls.

instead of


type in



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