php - How do each entity be generated in their respective database? -

there 2 entities: profiles , cars.

the entity profiles related table in database x , entity cars related table in database y.

the doctrine configuration:

doctrine:     dbal:         default_connection: cars         connections:             profiles:                driver:   pdo_mysql                host:     "%database_host_profiles%"                port:     "%database_port_profile%"                dbname:   "%database_name_profiles%"                user:     "%database_user_profiles%"                password: "%database_password_profile%"                charset:  utf8             cars:                driver:   pdo_mysql                host:     "%database_host_cars%"                port:     "%database_port_cars%"                dbname:   "%database_name_cars%"                user:     "%database_user_cars%"                password: "%database_password_cars%"                charset:  utf8     orm:         auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"         naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore         connection: cars         auto_mapping: true 

when run following command, 2 entities generated in same database (cars):

app/console doctrine:schema:update 

how each entity generated in respective database?

you have define entity managers in orm section , map bundles want manage not default em :

orm:     entity_managers:         profiles:             auto_mapping: true             connection: default         cars:             connection: other_connexion             mappings:                 acmebundle1: ~                 acmebundle2: ~ 


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