matlab - Angle calculation in a Delaunay graph -

i have plotted delaunay graph in matlab one:- one

i want calculate angles in graph. have x , y values points in disordered form, , don't know how sort points because x , y values close points on same row.

one way that:

x = randn(1,4)*10; y = randn(1,4)*10;  %calculate triangulation tri = delaunay(x,y);  %plot graph triplot(tri,x,y) hold on  plot(x,y,'ro') text(x,y,strsplit(num2str(1:length(x))))   % determine each angle = 1:size(tri,1)     per = perms(tri(i,:));     [~, ind] = unique(per(:,2)); %avoid calculate 2 time same angle.     per = per(ind,:); %the 3 * 3 points create angle of each triangle     j = 1:3        p_1 = per(j,1);        p1 = [x(p_1),y(p_1)];        p_2 = per(j,2);        p2 = [x(p_2),y(p_2)];        p_3 = per(j,3);        p3 = [x(p_3),y(p_3)];        ang = rad2deg(atan2(abs(det([p3-p2;p1-p2])),dot(p3-p2,p1-p2))); %p2 point in middle        fprintf('node %d %d %d angle %f\n',p_1, p_2, p_3, ang)     end end 


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