javascript - Pass id param from Datatable to controller -

i want pass id param of clicked row button of datatable controller (by url or ajax, or something). i'm using url call method on controller , works, don't know how can passed id (in code **************) of column. datatable in js is:

    var t_festivos = <?php echo json_encode($t_festivos); ?>;     if ( t_festivos !== null){         var table = $('#t_festivos').datatable( {             language: {                 "url": "<?=trad($this,'idioma_datatables');?>"             },             data: t_festivos,             paging: true,             ordering: true,             pagelength: 10,             columndefs: [                 {                     "targets": 0,                     "visible": false                 },                 {                     "targets": -1,                     "data": null,                     "defaultcontent": "<center><a class='btn btn-danger' href='<?=base_url()?>index.php/mantenimiento/borrar_festivo/(**************)'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></a></center>"                 }             ],             columns: [                 { title: "" },                 { title: "<?=trad($this,'fecha');?>" },                 { title: "" },             ]         } );     } 

i solve problem writting html code in controller:

for ($i=0; $i< count( $festivos->filas); $i++){              $t_festivos[$i][0] = $festivos->filas[$i]->fecha;             $t_festivos[$i][1] = "<center><a class='btn btn-danger' href='" . base_url() .                 "index.php/mantenimiento/borrar_festivo/" . $festivos->filas[$i]->idfestivo .                 "' ><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></a></center>";          } 


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