visual studio - Azure Blob Storage only shows one file at a time -

i have following method uploads file blob storage:

public static string uploadtoblob(string filepath, string container) {   if (!file.exists(filepath))     return string.empty;    var filecontent = file.readallbytes(filepath);    var filename = path.getfilename(filepath);   var blobpath = $"/{guid.newguid()}/{filename}";   var azstorage = new azureblobstorage(configurationhelper.getconnectionasstring("storageconnectionstring"));    return azstorage.upload(container, blobpath, filecontent, filename); } 

which execute inside foreach loop so:

fileprocessor.uploadtoblob(filepathlocal, storageblobcontainers.arcoextractionpdfs); 

when navigate insider server explorer, can see blob:

enter image description here

but when enter it, there's 1 file showing:

enter image description here

however, if delete file , hit refresh, 1 shows up, , repeating can see of them, 1 one..

enter image description here

how can see files in blob @ once?


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