reactjs - Using 'material-ui' with react-rails gem? -

i use material-ui component library in rails 4 app. using react-rails gem add .jsx compilation asset pipeline. have added material-ui via rails-assets in gemfile so:

source ''   gem 'rails-assets-material-ui' end 

and have required library in application.js file so:

//= require material-ui 

however keep getting error "couldn't find file 'material-ui". how can use material-ui component library in rails app react-rails gem?

ok here have working far...

to gemfile have added:

gem 'react-rails' gem "browserify-rails" 

this gives our react library, helpers , jsx compilation ability use require() sytax require modules in our js. browserify-rails allows require npm modules in rails assets via package.json file.

we can add material-ui library our app via package.json file...

"dependencies" : {     "browserify": "~> 10.2.4",     "browserify-incremental": "^3.0.1",     "material-ui": "0.13.1"   }, 

the material ui library uses require syntax join different jsx component files in right order why need use browserify-rails.

next keep our react code made new directory in asset/javascripts called /react...

react     l /components     l react.js     l react-libraries.js     l theme.js 

now part of 'material-ui' dependencies have react library. means @ moment have 2 copies of library. 1 'react-rails' gem , 1 'material-ui' library dependencies 'browserify-rails'. lets use 1 'material-ui' dependencies , leave 1 'react-rails'.

in react.js:

//= require ./react-libraries //= require react_ujs //= require_tree ./components 

then in react-libraries.js

//react library react = require('react'); //material design library materialui = require('material-ui/lib'); injecttapeventplugin = require('react-tap-event-plugin'); injecttapeventplugin(); //material design library custom theme myrawtheme = require('./theme'); thememanager = require('material-ui/lib/styles/theme-manager'); 

then want include of in asset pipeline with...

//= require react/react 

in application.js.

now can write components in jsx files in /react/components/ may want namespace components with...

//custom components namespace components = {}; 

in react-libraries.js

you can customise theme in theme.js this...

colors = require('material-ui/lib/styles/colors'); colormanipulator = require('material-ui/lib/utils/color-manipulator'); spacing = require('material-ui/lib/styles/spacing');  module.exports = {   spacing: spacing,   fontfamily: 'roboto, sans-serif',   palette: {     primary1color: colors.grey300,     primary2color: colors.grey300,     primary3color: colors.lightblack,     accent1color: '#01a9f4',     accent2color: colors.grey100,     accent3color: colors.grey500,     textcolor: colors.darkblack,     alternatetextcolor: colors.white,     canvascolor: colors.white,     bordercolor: colors.grey300,     disabledcolor: colormanipulator.fade(colors.darkblack, 0.3)   } }; 

hope helps :)


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