java - Bug reading a Csv File from an http request (WebService) -

i'm having bug when trying read csv file http request.

my csv file looks this:

iduser,status 123,block 456,unblock 789,block 

and i'm receiving this:


somehow when send through http request disappear char of end of line ('\n'). i've tried many readers, such opencsv , javacsv. , received file in many ways, inputstream, string, file. seems bug in requester, i've tried different requesters, postman in chrome, , open httprequester in firefox. , generate file in different environments windows , linux. i've tried send in windows linux , viceversa. ways worked converting base64 , parsing csv file inside service, don't want cliente convert file time. other way reading directly repository, won't webservice. i'm using javacsv read file right

my webservice:

@put @path("/csvreader") @consumes(mediatype.multipart_form_data) @produces(mediatype.application_json) public response editbycsvfile(inputstream csvfileinput){       try {             csvreader csvfile = new csvreader(new inputstreamreader(csvfileinput));             csvfile.readheaders();            while (csvfile.readrecord()){                 string iduser = csvfile.get("iduser");                 string status = csvfile.get("status");                  if(status.equals("block")){                      blockuser(long.parselong(iduser));                 }                 if(status.equals("unblock")){                      unblockuser(long.parselong(iduser));                 }            }             csvfile.close();        } catch (unsupportedencodingexception ex) {   "unsupported encoding", ex);       } catch (ioexception ex) {   "io exeption", ex);         }         return response.ok().build();      } 

i've tried set delimiter directly csvfile.setdelimiter(','); , end of line csvfile.setrecorddelimiter('\n'); no success :/ thank in advance!

you using multipart/form-data. content type used when have form <input type="file">

to upload file need additional annotations. unfortunately seems there no standard way upload files jax-rs. depends on implementation, example can use jersey, cxf or resteasy. see responses in ticket jaxrs multipart

the code should looks this

@put @path("/csvreader")   @consumes(mediatype.multipart_form_data) public response uploadfile(         @defaultvalue("true") @formdataparam("enabled") boolean enabled,         @formdataparam("file") inputstream uploadedinputstream,         @formdataparam("file") formdatacontentdisposition filedetail) { 

you have full example here


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