android studio - Task 'build' not found in root project 'workspace'. Some candidates are: 'build' -

i unable build project using gradle 2.10, have tried different versions issue same.

i using jenkins 2.10 version. same project can build android studio.

can 1 me jenkins configuration, have defined sdk path, have gradle plugin etc.

[error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] failure: build failed exception. [error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] * went wrong: [error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] task 'built' not found in root project 'workspace'. candidates are: 'build'. * try: [error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] run gradle tasks list of available tasks.  20:11:26.063 [error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] * exception is: 20:11:26.063 [error] [org.gradle.buildexceptionreporter] org.gradle.execution.taskselectionexception: task 'built' not found in root project 'workspace'. candidates are: 'build'. 

i have added attached step in build, need add steps building ? enter image description here

there's no built task, try build, should solve problem.

however, it's practice parametrize job, can use assembledebug , assemblerelease tasks. way can trigger builds automated integration tests , builds production separately without having duplicate jobs.

define parameters using parametrized trigger plugin.

example of parameters usage in gradle tasks area:

 $build_profile  -pkeystore_path=$signing_keystore_path  -pkeystore_alias=$keystore_alias  -pkeystore_password=$signing_password 

in build.gradle file can add section:

signingconfigs {     release {         storefile file(getpropertyfrombuildcommand("keystore_path"))         storepassword getpropertyfrombuildcommand("keystore_password")         keyalias getpropertyfrombuildcommand("keystore_alias")         keypassword getpropertyfrombuildcommand("keystore_password")     } } buildtypes {     release {         minifyenabled true         shrinkresources true         proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''         signingconfig signingconfigs.release     } } 

this if set produce command example:

gradle assemblerelease -pkeystore_alias=prodkey -pkeystore_path=/home/jenkins/my-prod-keys.jks -pkeystore_password=yourpassword 

this build signed apk production , submission on google play store can use flexible publish or conditional build step branch build flows.


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