java - How i can change tag name in spring batch xml -

i have spring batch project create xml file, return this:

  <units>       <pojo.unitgen>           <event>z_receiving_result</event>           <type>receipt</type>           <internaldeviceid>6</internaldeviceid>           <imei>990000223446789</imei>       </pojo.unitgen>       <pojo.unitgen>           <event>z_receiving_result</event>           <type>receipt</type>           <internaldeviceid>2</internaldeviceid>           <imei>992000123456789</imei>       </pojo.unitgen>   </units> 

how can change tag 'pojo.unitgen' 'unit'

this itemwriter:

 <!-- write extracted receiving data xml file -->  <bean id="iwreceiving" class="org.springframework.batch.item.xml.staxeventitemwriter"      scope="step">      <property name="resource" value="file:${report.pathtosave}${report.filename}" />      <property name="marshaller" ref="unitmarshaller" />      <property name="roottagname" value="units" />  </bean>   <bean id="unitmarshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.xstreammarshaller">      <property name="autodetectannotations" value="true"/>  </bean>   

i'm assuming, have class "unitgen" inside package "pojo", right? try use annotation "@xstreamalias":

package pojo;  @xstreamalias("unit") public class unitgen {  ... } 

you have set annotated classes:

 <bean id="unitmarshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.xstreammarshaller">      <property name="autodetectannotations" value="true"/>      <property name="annotatedclasses">        <list>          <value>pojo.unitgen</value>        </list>      </property>  </bean> 


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