ruby on rails - Elasticsearch: reached maximum index count for current plan - status:500 -

is there heroku cli command allow purge elasticsearch indices?

this error that's returned causing our application non-functional:

reached maximum index count current plan - status:500 

upgrading our current plan not feasible option due being in stages @ time. please advise on how cure this.

you should able delete indices want via direct curl call. first need retrieve url of es cluster using heroku config:get command , retrieving appropriate variable:

if you've installed searchbox addon:

sb_url=$(heroku config:get searchbox_url) curl -xdelete http://<sb_url>/your_index 

if you've installed found addon:

found_url=$(heroku config:get foundelasticsearch_url) curl -xdelete http://<found_url>/your_index 

last not least if you've installed bonsai addon:

bonsai_url=$(heroku config:get bonsai) curl -xdelete http://<bonsai_url>/your_index 

to test out:

# create 1 index => ok > curl -xpost http://<***_url>/your_index_1 {"acknowledged":true}  # create second index => ok > curl -xpost http://<***_url>/your_index_2 {"acknowledged":true}  # create n'th index allowed plan => not ok > curl -xpost http://<***_url>/your_index_n {"error":"elasticsearchgenerationexception[reached maximum index count current plan]","status":500}  # delete first index => ok > curl -xdelete http://<***_url>/your_index_1 {"acknowledged":true}  # create n'th index again => ok > curl -xpost http://<***_url>/your_index_n {"acknowledged":true} 


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