javascript - Highcharts solid gauge dynamic update -

my idea display cpu , memory load highcharts solid gauge update every few seconds, ever do, wont run wanted, it's this:

i have php code giving me integer cpu , memory usage

$cpu = exec("mpstat 1 1 | grep 'all' | awk '{print 100 - $12}' | head -n 1"); $mem = exec("free -m | grep mem | awk '{print $3 / $2 * 100}'"); 

this highcharts js script:

$(function () {  var gaugeoptions = {      chart: {         type: 'solidgauge'     },      title: null,      pane: {         center: ['50%', '85%'],         size: '105%',         startangle: -90,         endangle: 90,         background: {             backgroundcolor: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.background3) || '#eee',             innerradius: '60%',             outerradius: '100%',             shape: 'arc'         }     },      tooltip: {         enabled: false     },      // value axis     yaxis: {         stops: [             [0.1, '#55bf3b'], // green             [0.5, '#dddf0d'], // yellow             [0.9, '#df5353'] // red         ],         linewidth: 0,         minortickinterval: null,         tickpixelinterval: 400,         tickwidth: 0,         title: {             y: -70         },         labels: {             y: 16         }     },      plotoptions: {         solidgauge: {             datalabels: {                 // y: 5,                 borderwidth: 0,                 usehtml: true             }         }     } };settimeout(function () { $('#container-speed').highcharts(highcharts.merge(gaugeoptions, {     yaxis: {         min: 0,         max: 100,         title: {             text: 'cpu'         }     },      credits: {         enabled: false     },      series: [{         name: 'cpu',         data: [0],         datalabels: {             format: '<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:18px;color:' +                 ((highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.contrasttextcolor) || '#cecece') + '">{y:.1f} %</span><br/>' +                    '<span style="font-size:12px;color:silver"></span></div>'         },     }]  }));  $('#container-rpm').highcharts(highcharts.merge(gaugeoptions, {     yaxis: {         min: 0,         max: 100,         title: {             text: 'ram'         }     },      series: [{         name: 'ram',         data: [0],         datalabels: {             format: '<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:20px;font-family:arial;color:' +                 ((highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.contrasttextcolor) || '#cecece') + '">{y:.1f}%</span><br/>' +                    '<span style="font-size:12px;color:silver"></span></div>'         },     }]  }));     var chart = $('#container-speed').highcharts(),         point,         newval,         inc;      if (chart) {         point = chart.series[0].points[0];         inc = <?php echo $cpu; ?>;         newval = inc;          if (newval < 0 || newval > 200) {             newval = point.y - inc;         }          point.update(newval);     }      chart = $('#container-rpm').highcharts();     if (chart) {         point = chart.series[0].points[0];         inc = <?php echo $mem; ?>;         newval = inc;          if (newval < 0 || newval > 5) {             newval = point.y - inc;         }          point.update(newval);     }   }, 5000);}); 

...and container calling gauge:

<div style="width: 600px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto" > <div id="container-speed" style="width: 300px; height: 200px; float: left"></div> <div id="container-rpm" style="width: 300px; height: 200px; float: left"></div></div> 

now, problem when refreshes, keeps giving me same values on every refresh. in advance.

i meanwhile managed solve problem of @grzegorz blachliƄski's comment, here goes:

first, php code nothing more 2 variables checking cpu load , memory usage.

<?php $cpu = exec("mpstat 1 1 | grep 'all' | awk '{print 100 - $12}' | head -n 1");  $mem = exec("free -m | grep mem | awk '{print $3 / $2 * 100}'");  echo "[$cpu,$mem]";?> 

now, reason json_encode($cpu,$mem); returning values inside quotes , able read them integer example alert(mem);, chart didn't accept values , didn't draw chart, did workaround echoing proper format of variable values.

here's javascript file:

function setdivheight() { var div = $('#cpu-meter'); div.height(div.width() * 0.75); div = $('#memory-meter'); div.height(div.width() * 0.75); } $(function () {  if( $(window).width() < 1000){     setdivheight();  $(window).on('load resize', function(){     setdivheight();         });  }     var gaugeoptions = {      chart: {         type: 'solidgauge',         events: {             load: requestdata         }     },      title: null,      pane: {         center: ['50%', '85%'],         size: '140%',         startangle: -90,         endangle: 90,         background: {             backgroundcolor: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.background2) || '#eee',             innerradius: '60%',             outerradius: '100%',             shape: 'arc'         }     },      tooltip: {         enabled: false     },      // value axis     yaxis: {         stops: [             [0.1, '#55bf3b'], // green             [0.5, '#dddf0d'], // yellow             [0.9, '#df5353'] // red         ],         linewidth: 0,         minortickinterval: null,         tickpixelinterval: 400,         tickwidth: 0,         title: {             y: -70         },         labels: {             y: 16         }     },      plotoptions: {         solidgauge: {             datalabels: {                 y: 5,                 borderwidth: 0,                 usehtml: true             }         }     } };  $('#cpu-meter').highcharts(highcharts.merge(gaugeoptions, {     yaxis: {         min: 0,         max: 100,         title: {             text: 'cpu usage'         }     },      credits: {         enabled: false     },      series: [{         data: [0],         datalabels: {             format: '<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:20px;font-family:arial;color:#777;">{y:.2f} %</span><br/>'         },     }]  }));  $('#memory-meter').highcharts(highcharts.merge(gaugeoptions, {     yaxis: {         min: 0,         max: 100,         title: {             text: 'memory usage'         }     },      credits: {         enabled: false     },      series: [{         data: [0],         datalabels: {             format: '<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:20px;font-family:arial;color:#777;">{y:.2f} %</span><br/>'         },     }]  }));  function requestdata() {     $.ajax({         url: 'core/cpu-data.php',         type: "get",         datatype:"json",         success: function(load) {             var chart = $('#cpu-meter').highcharts(),                 point = 0,                 newval = 0,                 inc = 0;                  point = chart.series[0].points[0];                 inc = load[0];                  diff = newval - inc;                  if (diff > 0) {                     newval = newval + diff;                 } else {                     newval = newval - diff;                 }                  point.update(newval);                   chart = $('#memory-meter').highcharts(),                 point = 0,                 newval = 0,                 inc = 0;                  point = chart.series[0].points[0];                 inc = load[1];                  diff = newval - inc;                  if (diff > 0) {                     newval = newval + diff;                 } else {                     newval = newval - diff;                 }                  point.update(newval);                  settimeout(requestdata, 3000);             },         cache: false     }); }}); 

as can see, ajax getting data php file , making gauge increase , decrease it's value settimeout value (don't use setinterval).

once again, help.


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