php - How to load my plugin file on joomla's back-end? -

i have developed joomla extension , want load php file within extension directory onto joomla's back-end (admin page).

for developing extension, have followed developer document of joomla , install on instance of joomla. located @ administrator\components\com_myextension picture below:

the image of extension folder under admin directory of joomla

note: root folder of joomla jstore

for intention, achieve result have define behavior in xml file myextension.php file can included whenever admin page viewed or write function include myextension.php file when extension installed. neither way don't know how yet!

in conclusion, want achieve load file myextension.php whenever joomla's admin page loaded. , must automatically.


dung tri

i have figured out new way run php script after plugin activated.

the way develop system plugin joomla. system plugin support functions can automatically run when admin page viewed like: onafterinitialise, onafterroute, onafterdispatch, onbeforerender.

you can see tutorial @ ... for_joomla , download sample project @


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