How to play audio on Chrome extension? -

i writing mini addon chrome. in addon, have inserted code play audio ajax success. doesn't work websites use https, works fine on websites use http. can me edit it.


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at first glance, there 2 issues code:

  1. you shouldn't put chrome.tabs.getselected , chrome.browseraction in mystyle.js. mystyle.js content script, can access limited chrome api.

    however, content scripts have limitations. cannot:

    • use chrome.* apis, exception of:

      • extension ( geturl , inincognitocontext , lasterror , onrequest , sendrequest )
      • i18n
      • runtime ( connect , getmanifest , geturl , id , onconnect , onmessage , sendmessage )
      • storage
    • use variables or functions defined extension's pages

    • use variables or functions defined web pages or other content scripts
  2. you can't send http request https web page, since it's restricted sop , it's browser behavior. solve this, should move http request logic background page , add server url permissions, see following answer more info.

    chrome extension - disable blocking of mixed content


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