ruby - How to send notifications according to time zone in rails? -

i trying send push notifications rails applications scheduled every 7th day @ 10am cronjob using whenever gem.

problem have users different time zones. us,eu,aus,ind etc. if trigger utc time 10 users might notifications @ midnight, that's awful thing disturb someone's sleep.

what can schedule every timezoneuser receive notification @ 10am of timezone.

i saving timezone every user.

user_id time_zone  153     +10:00  155     +05:30   

i schedule job run every hour desired day of week, check users have time 10am , send them. way run job 24 times in 1 day of week covering whole world timezones.

every '0 * * * 1'   # send notification users @ 10am end 

in above example, 0 * * * 1 corresponding. (at minute 0) (every hour) (every day) (every month) (first day of week -monday-)

if want send notification on sunday example number should 7, tuesday 2 , on.


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