how do I import json generated by javascript into Mongodb -

i need rid of newline character separates objects in json file can import mongodb without having objects in array. use in javascript this? need data in format can import:

{ name: "widget 1", desc: "this widget 1" }
{ name: "widget 2", desc: "this widget 2" }

the answer is, dont have convert file array, mongoimport expects "json-line" format have.

this format performance, because don't have load @ once, instead mongo take line line. imagine billion lines, if convert array, cost memory...

this way linear time operation, lines gets streamed db.

look here:

however, if think need conversion, this:

fs.readfile('my.json', function(e, text) {    var arraylikestring = "[" + text.split('\n').join(',') + "]";    var array = json.parse(arraylikestring); }) 

to import array of objects use command:

mongoimport --db <db-name> --collection <coll-name> --type json --jsonarray --file seed.json 

note option: --jsonarray


take @ npm package, looks promisingly:


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