go - Golang Rabbit MQ Fanout Exchange Multiple Consumers -

i publishing messages in fanout exchange java application. able receive message in multiple consumer in java. have 2 consumers in golang app 1 of consumer (alternatively ) receiving message (not both of them published message).

func handlemessagefanout1(){      conn := system.eltropyappcontext.rabbitmqconn      channel, err := conn.channel()      if(err!=nil){         log.println(err)     }     //forever := make(chan bool)        deliveries,err := channel.consume(         "example.queue", //queue         "qw",         true,         false,         false,         false,         nil)      if(err!=nil){         log.println(err)     }      go func() {          d := range deliveries {             log.printf("message recived in fanout 1")             log.printf("received message: %s", d.body)         }     }()      //<-forever  } 

//2nd consumer

package consumer  import (     "github.com/eltropy/shehnai/backend/golang/common-packages/system"     log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" )      func handlemessagefanout2() {          conn := system.eltropyappcontext.rabbitmqconn          channel, err := conn.channel()          if (err!=nil) {             log.println(err)         }          //forever := make(chan bool)          deliveries, err := channel.consume(             "example.queue", //queue             "q2",             true,             false,             false,             false,             nil)          if (err!=nil) {             log.println(err)         }          go func() {             d := range deliveries {                 log.printf("message recived in fanout 2")                 log.printf("received message: %s", d.body)             }         }()          //<-forever      } 

i using https://github.com/streadway/amqp library rabbit mq.

on channel type, before publish, declare exchange this:

err = channel.exchangedeclare(   "example.queue",   // name   "fanout", // type   true,     // durable   false,    // auto-deleted   false,    // internal   false,    // no-wait   nil,      // arguments ) 

see official rabbitmq tutorial.


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