c - I can't read the second string, no matter how many getchar i insert -

this program need read 2 strings, 2 strings passed "confirm" function, read , the function have find word in common.

but in main cant read "string2" string! no matter how many getchar insert.

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>  void confirm(char string1[],char string2[]){      char word[20];     char w_aux[20];     int i, j, k, l, m;     int len1, len2;     int find;      = 0;       len1 = strlen(string1);     len2 = strlen(string2);      while (i < len1){         j = 0;          while ((string1[i] != ' ') && (i < len1)){             word[j] = string1[i];             i++;             j++;         }         word[j] = '\0';         k = 0;         find = 0;         while((k < len2) && (find == 0)){               l = 0;             while ((string2[k] != ' ') && (k < len2)){                 w_aux[l] = string2[k];                 k++;                 l++;             }             w_aux[l] = '\0';                     if (j == l){                 m = 0;                 while((word[m] == w_aux[m]) && (m<j)){                     m++;                 }                 if (m == j){                     find = 1;                 }             }             k++;         }         i++;     }     printf("%s\n", word); }  int main (){      char string1[20];     char string2[20];      printf("type first text: \n");     scanf("%[^\n]s", string1);      printf("type second text: \n");     scanf("%[^\n]s", string2);     getchar();       confirm(string1, string2);      return 0; } 

use getchar after input of string 1 \n:

printf("type first text: \n"); scanf("%[^\n]", string1);  getchar(); //here  printf("type second text: \n"); scanf("%[^\n]", string2); 


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