node.js - Gulp: Wait for express server to start before running tests -

i'm pretty new node. built sample express app , wrote bdd tests using cucumber.js. automate tests using gulp when run tests first start express app and, once server up, run through tests. however, tests run before server , therefore fail. there way wait (using gulp) server start , run tests?

i'm using gulp-cucumber , gulp-express here (somewhat hidden gulp-load-plugins).

my gulpfile (partial):

var gulp = require('gulp'),   plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')();  gulp.task('server', function () {['bin/www']); });  gulp.task('cucumber', ['server'], function() {   return gulp.src('features/*').pipe(plugins.cucumber({     'steps': 'features/steps/*.steps.js',     'support': 'features/support/*.js'   })); });  gulp.task('test', ['server', 'cucumber']); 

i have use solution -

var gulp = require('gulp'),   plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')(),   runsequence = require('run-sequence');  gulp.task('server', function () {['bin/www']); });  gulp.task('cucumber', function() {   return gulp.src('features/*').pipe(plugins.cucumber({     'steps': 'features/steps/*.steps.js',     'support': 'features/support/*.js'   })); });  gulp.task('test',  function(){      runsequence('server', 'cucumber'); }); 


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