jqGrid: Search form changed to be flat? -

this subject based on "jqgrid - change filter/search pop form - flat on page - not dialog" . i've made search form flat based on subject , right want not show on page , want show when user press search button jqgrid. can give me hint or solution how that, please? @oleg can me , please? thanks

th solution close old one. can use following options of searching dialog:

overlay: 0, drag: false, beforeshowsearch: function ($form) {     var $searchdialog = $form.closest(".ui-jqdialog"),         $gbox = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid");      $searchdialog.insertbefore($gbox);     $searchdialog.css({         position: "relative",         zindex: "auto",         float: "left"     })     $gbox.css({clear:"left"}); } 

other options (like closeonescape: true, closeaftersearch: true, closeafterreset: true, searchonenter: true, searchoperators: true , other) can chosen depend on preferences.

the demo displays searching dialog like

enter image description here

if prefer use bootstrap css instead of jquery ui css 1 should add additional lines:

overlay: 0, drag: false, beforeshowsearch: function ($form) {     var $searchdialog = $form.closest(".ui-jqdialog"),         $gbox = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid");      $searchdialog.insertbefore($gbox);     $searchdialog.css({         position: "relative",         zindex: "auto",         padding: 0,         float: "left"     });     $searchdialog.children(".modal-dialog").css({         margintop: 0,         marginbottom: 0     });     $searchdialog.find(".modal-content").css({         boxshadow: "none"     });     $gbox.css({clear:"left"}); } 

see the demo displays:

enter image description here


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