java - Android app:dex:Debug error - cannot seem to solve -

please see link attached exact error.

can run other android projects, 1 trying run refuses work:


buildscript { repositories {     jcenter() } dependencies {     classpath ''      // note: not place application dependencies here; belong     // in individual module build.gradle files } }  allprojects { repositories {     jcenter() } } 

build.gradle (app)

apply plugin: ''

android { compilesdkversion 23 buildtoolsversion '23.0.1'

defaultconfig {     applicationid "com.tapthatstudios.fingersoffury"     minsdkversion 21     targetsdkversion 23     versioncode 1     versionname "1.0"  } buildtypes {     release {         minifyenabled false         proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''     } }   }  dependencies { compile '' compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') } 


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