visual studio - What is the opposite to this encryption+compression code in C#? -
i have written code encrypts , compresses data, have hard time writing code in reverse.
i various errors no matter how assemble code.
my question basic:
in order should different bits of code used?
here sample code encrypting , compressing:
memorystream ms = new memorystream(); cryptostream crypts = new cryptostream(ms, des.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write)); deflatestream defs = new deflatestream(crypts, compressionmode.compress) binarywriter bw = new binarywriter(defs)) //bw.write("write string example"); bw.close();
now, in decryption routine, should cryptostream
used after deflatestream
trace encryption routine backwards? or should deflatestream
used after cryptostream
like following example:
memorystream ms = new memorystream(); deflatestream defs = new deflatestream(ms, compressionmode.compress) cryptostream crypts = new cryptostream(defs, des.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write)); binarywriter bw = new binarywriter(crypts)) //bw.write("write string example"); bw.close();
the errors getting vary unknown block type. stream might corrupted.
bad data
here encryption , decryption routines. error unknown block type. stream might corrupted
encryption routine:
using (memorystream ms = new memorystream()) { using (cryptostream crypts = new cryptostream(ms, des.createencryptor(), cryptostreammode.write)) { using (deflatestream defs = new deflatestream(crypts, compressionmode.compress)) { using (binarywriter bw = new binarywriter(defs)) { datetime dt = new datetime().now; bw.write(dt.ticks); } } } }
decryption routine (assume ms populated encrypted data):
using (memorystream ms = new memorystream()) { using (deflatestream defs = new deflatestream(ms, compressionmode.decompress)) { using (cryptostream crypts = new cryptostream(defs, des.createdecryptor(), { using (binaryreader br = new binaryreader(crypts)) { datetime dt = new datetime((long)br.readint64()); } } } }
i error failed construct huffman tree using length array. stream might corrupted.
what might error?
the data compressed, encrypted, first thing need decrypt it, can decompress it. so, yes - reversed... isn't obvious data flow reversed, order chain streams remains same.
it helpful if wrap stream usages in using
blocks ensure flushed , closed correctly.
this code should work:
using (var des = new aescryptoserviceprovider()) { byte[] result; using (var ms = new memorystream()) { using (var encryptor = des.createencryptor()) using (var crypts = new cryptostream(ms, encryptor, cryptostreammode.write)) using (var defs = new deflatestream(crypts, compressionmode.compress)) using (var bw = new binarywriter(defs)) { bw.write("hello, world."); } result = ms.toarray(); } using (var ms = new memorystream(result)) using (var decryptor = des.createdecryptor()) using (var crypts2 = new cryptostream(ms, decryptor, using (var defs = new deflatestream(crypts2, compressionmode.decompress)) using (var br = new binaryreader(defs)) { var x = br.readstring(); } }
see this fiddle demo.
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