grid - colspan and collapse for the same header - possible? -

i developing table using dhtmlx grid. need achieve below table construction. tried many way achieve wasn't able apply colspan , collapse same td element in header.

please check attachment , me exact output.

enter image description here

such output not available using column_collapse extension. can place html content in header , hide required columns on clicking it. draft:

    function hiding(){     if (!collapse){     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(2,true)     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(3,true)     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(4,true)     document.getelementbyid("collapse").value="show"     collapse=true     }     else     {             mygrid.setcolumnhidden(3,true)     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(2,false)     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(3,false)     mygrid.setcolumnhidden(4,false)     document.getelementbyid("collapse").value="hide"     collapse=false     } }          mygrid.setheader("<input type='button' id='collapse' value='hide' onclick='(arguments[0]||window.event).cancelbubble=true;hiding()'>,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan");         mygrid.attachheader("1,2,3,4,5") 


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