android - Can someone help me with this JSON Parsing? -

there problem when retrieve individual elements the json. : "t":"sbin"

the json-url follows :

and other resources follows :

public class refreshstock extends asynctask<string, string, list<stockmodel>> {      @override     protected list<stockmodel> doinbackground(string... params) {          try {             url = new url(params[0]);              connection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();             connection.connect();              inputstream = connection.getinputstream();              bufferedreader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(inputstream));              stringbuffer = new stringbuffer();              string line = "";              while ((line = bufferedreader.readline()) != null)                 stringbuffer.append(line + "\n");              string data = stringbuffer.tostring();              return parsejson(data);          } catch (malformedurlexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } {             if (connection != null)                 connection.disconnect();             try {                 if (bufferedreader != null)                     bufferedreader.close();             } catch (ioexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }         return null;     }      private list<stockmodel> parsejson(string json) {          list<stockmodel> stockmodellist = new arraylist<>();          json = json.substring(3);         //textview.settext(""+json);          try {              stockmodel stockmodel = new stockmodel();             jsonobject parentobject = new jsonobject();             jsonarray jsonarray = parentobject.getjsonarray(json);                  jsonobject childobject = jsonarray.getjsonobject(0);                 string stockid = childobject.getstring("id");                 string stockname = childobject.getstring("t");                 string stockrate = childobject.getstring("l");                 string stockchange = childobject.getstring("c");                 string stockchangepercent = childobject.getstring("cp");              toast.maketext( getapplicationcontext(),""+stockrate, toast.length_long).show();              stockmodel.setid(stockid);             stockmodel.sett(stockname);             stockmodel.setl(stockrate);             stockmodel.setc(stockchange);             stockmodel.setcp(stockchangepercent);             stockmodellist.add(stockmodel);              return stockmodellist;         } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          return stockmodellist;     }      protected void onpostexecute(list<stockmodel> result) {         super.onpostexecute(result);          stockadapter adapter = new stockadapter(getapplicationcontext(), r.layout.listrow, result);         lvstock.setadapter(adapter);     } } 

the logcat message follows:

07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ org.json.jsonexception: no value  [  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ {  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ "id": "13564339"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"t" : "sbin"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"e" : "nse"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"l" : "222.90"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"l_fix" : "222.90"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"l_cur" : "rs.222.90"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"s": "0"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"ltt":"3:55pm gmt+5:30"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"lt" : "jul 4, 3:55pm gmt+5:30"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"lt_dts" : "2016-07-04t15:55:45z"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"c" : "+3.30"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"c_fix" : "3.30"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"cp" : "1.50"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"cp_fix" : "1.50"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"ccol" : "chg"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ,"pcls_fix" : "219.6"  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ }  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ ]  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ [ 07-04  10:49:42.667 11270:11321 w/system.err ]             @ org.json.jsonobject.get(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ org.json.jsonobject.getjsonarray(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @$refreshstock.parsejson(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @$refreshstock.doinbackground(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @$refreshstock.doinbackground(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ android.os.asynctask$  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ android.os.asynctask$serialexecutor$  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker(  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$  07-04 10:49:42.667  11270-11321/ w/system.err﹕ @ 

thanks :p

your json response not valid


// [ { "id": "13564339" ,"t" : "sbin" ,"e" : "nse" ,"l" : "222.90" ,"l_fix" : "222.90" ,"l_cur" : "rs.222.90" ,"s": "0" ,"ltt":"3:55pm gmt+5:30" ,"lt" : "jul 4, 3:55pm gmt+5:30" ,"lt_dts" : "2016-07-04t15:55:45z" ,"c" : "+3.30" ,"c_fix" : "3.30" ,"cp" : "1.50" ,"cp_fix" : "1.50" ,"ccol" : "chg" ,"pcls_fix" : "219.6" } ]    [ { "id": "13564339" ,"t" : "sbin" ,"e" : "nse" ,"l" : "222.90" ,"l_fix" : "222.90" ,"l_cur" : "rs.222.90" ,"s": "0" ,"ltt":"3:55pm gmt+5:30" ,"lt" : "jul 4, 3:55pm gmt+5:30" ,"lt_dts" : "2016-07-04t15:55:45z" ,"c" : "+3.30" ,"c_fix" : "3.30" ,"cp" : "1.50" ,"cp_fix" : "1.50" ,"ccol" : "chg" ,"pcls_fix" : "219.6" } ] 


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