php - POST form with JQuery using $.post() -

i have following form

<form id="colortest" method="post">     <input type="text" id='responsetext' name="responsetext" value="">     <input type="button" id='confirm' name="confirm" value="confirm">     <input type='text' id="idnum" name="idnum">     <input type='text' id='correct' id="correct"> </form> 

only value #responsetext typed in, #idnum passed page, while other fields filled function:

<script type="text/javascript">     var arr = [2,5,6,7,10,16,29,42,57];     x = 0     /* idnum passed page 1 */     $(document).ready(function() {         document.getelementbyid('idnum').value = localstorage.memberid;         /* when typed in form */         $('#responsetext').on('input', function() {             /* value stored */             var response = document.getelementbyid('responsetext').value;             /* , compared vector arr contains correct answers*/             if( response == arr[x]){                 $("#correct").attr('value', 'yes');             }else{                  $("#correct").attr('value', 'no');             };         });        /* confirm button send asnwer */        $('#confirm').click(function(){            $.post("testcolor.php", $("#colortest").serialize());            x = x + 1;        });    });       </script> 

and here php:

<?php     // create connection     $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);     // check connection     if ($conn->connect_error) {         die("connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);     }      $response = $_post["responsetext"];     $memberid = $_post["idnum"];     $timestmp = time();     $correct = $_post["correct"];      $sql = "insert colorblind (memberid, response, correct, timestmp)             values ('$memberid', '$response' ,'".$correct."','".$timestmp."')";      if ($conn->query($sql) === true) {         echo "new record created successfully";     } else {         echo "error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;     }      $conn -> close(); ?> 

now, sure php called correctly when click event occurs on #confirm, because timestamp invoked in php recorded in db. nevertheless, none of value in fields passed in php. namely if somethin like:

echo $_post["idnum"]; 

i empty field.

anybody has idea doing wrong or suggestions on how debug it? have been spending days on without progress.

the first thing noticed

<input type='text' id='correct' id="correct">  

contains id="correct" twice. i'm sure meant add name="correct".

when use $("#colortest").serialize(), return


i can see how used request. seeing you're using $.post(), you'll want pass in object of key/value pairs post data.

for example, should work:

var params = {     responsetext: 'foo',     idnum: 'bar',     correct: 'foobar' }; $.post("testcolor.php", params); 


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