php - Codiginter prevent direct access to method used by form action -

i new codeigniter framework, , have encountered issue unsure how solve properly.

most of application requires authentication, have 1 public non authenticated controller form. uri form encoded single use token. form can accessed once.

the code form action...

<?php      echo form_open('my_form/submit_form' . $id , 'id=”theform”');             … 

i want prevent accessing/visiting , instead throw message. below way have working now, not sure if secure. using codeigniter's csrf protection, each $_post submitted csrf_token.

class my_form extends mx_controller {     …      public function submit_form($id){         // attempt prevent direct access         if (!isset($_post["input_id"])) {             exit('sorry page inaccessible.');         } 


so if value of hidden input field on form not set script exits. secure way handle this?

try this,

public function submit_form($id){     // attempt prevent direct access     if (!$this->input->post(null, false)) {         exit('sorry page inaccessible.');     } else {         //your code     }  } 


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