autohotkey - (AHK) Creating variable hotkeys that gets the key names from a 2 char file name of a script -

i'm trying make our employees use dont have alter script define hotkeys. may work hotkeys can defined single character, that's fine, there many combinations can made them, , can easy remember. script @ 2 character ahk files (or 6 if must include extension) in working directory. , variables search defined regex first hotkey, ^. , second .(?=.) once match found, launch matched file. has been done before? seems simple can't seem find on it.

edit: elliot brought attention:

it's neat script manager, , useful, it's not i'm looking for.

i dont not want additional interface. want able change hotkeys using filename.

based on answer of forvin. added execution of corresponding ahk script.

#persistent settimer, findnewhotkeys, 2000 findnewhotkeys:     loop, %a_scriptdir%\*     {         regexmatch(a_loopfilename, "^(.)(.).ahk$", hk)          if (hk)         {           hotkey, ~%hk1% & ~%hk2%, hotkeylabel         }     } return  hotkeylabel:   regexmatch(a_thishotkey, "~(.) & ~(.)", hk)   run, %hk1%%hk2%.ahk return 


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