windows - Monitoring memory addresses in Python -

i need know how monitor memory address , values in python. example: have game written in c. want write python script read memory address of current hitpoints , take actions based on values.

i can memory addresses cheatengine, don't know how use in python.

here's read_process function. result either bytes (2.x str), or array of ctypes structures. default read 1 byte process. optional dtype parameter must ctypes type, such ctypes.c_cint or ctypes.structure subclass. reads array of given type , length.

be careful avoid dereferencing pointer values. example, if pass dtype=c_char_p, indexing result array try dereference remote pointer in current process, crash python. in previous answer wrote read-only remotepointer class if need handle case.

ctypes definitions

import ctypes ctypes import wintypes  kernel32 = ctypes.windll('kernel32', use_last_error=true)  process_vm_read = 0x0010 size_t = ctypes.c_size_t psize_t = ctypes.pointer(size_t)  def _check_bool(result, func, args):     if not result:         raise ctypes.winerror(error)     return args  kernel32.openprocess.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.openprocess.restype = wintypes.handle kernel32.openprocess.argtypes = (     wintypes.dword, # _in_ dwdesiredaccess     wintypes.bool,  # _in_ binherithandle     wintypes.dword) # _in_ dwprocessid  kernel32.closehandle.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.closehandle.argtypes = (     wintypes.handle,)  kernel32.readprocessmemory.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.readprocessmemory.argtypes = (     wintypes.handle,  # _in_  hprocess     wintypes.lpcvoid, # _in_  lpbaseaddress     wintypes.lpvoid,  # _out_ lpbuffer     size_t,           # _in_  nsize     psize_t)          # _out_ lpnumberofbytesread 

read_process definition

def read_process(pid, address, length=1, dtype=ctypes.c_char):             result = (dtype * length)()             nread = size_t()     hprocess = kernel32.openprocess(process_vm_read, false, pid)     try:         kernel32.readprocessmemory(hprocess, address, result,                                     ctypes.sizeof(result),                                    ctypes.byref(nread))     finally:         kernel32.closehandle(hprocess)     if issubclass(dtype, ctypes.c_char):         return result.raw     return result 


if __name__ == '__main__':     import os      class dtype(ctypes.structure):         _fields_ = (('x', ctypes.c_int),                     ('y', ctypes.c_double))      source = (dtype * 2)(*[(42, 3.14),                            (84, 2.72)])      pid = os.getpid()     address = ctypes.addressof(source)     sink = read_process(pid, address, 2, dtype)     din, dout in zip(source, sink):         assert din.x == dout.x         assert din.y == dout.y      size = ctypes.sizeof(source)     buf_source = ctypes.string_at(source, size)     buf_sink = read_process(pid, address, size)     assert buf_source == buf_sink 


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