java - How to access data from RestTemplate as List -

i want access data spring boot service. return type of data list, every time access it, list empty.

this code:

map<string, string> params = new hashmap<string, string>(); params.put("firstname", "test" ); params.put("lastname", "test1"); responseentity<person[]> response = resttemplate.getforentity(url, person[].class, params); 

in case, response.getbody() empty [].

@requestmapping(value = "/search", method = requestmethod.get) public list<person> searchusers(         @requestparam(value = "firstname", required = false) string firstname,         @requestparam(value = "lastname", required = false) string lastname,         @requestparam(value = "email", required = false) string email {      return, lastname, email, company); } 

i tried string, , person[], nothing worked.

thanks in advance!

@get @path("statement") @produces({mediatype.application_xml}) public response statement(@queryparam("from") string from, @queryparam("to") string to) {     db idb = new db();     list<transaction> transactions = idb.gettransactionsbydate(from, to);     final genericentity<list<transaction>> entity = new genericentity<list<transaction>>(transactions) {     };     return response.status(response.status.ok).entity(entity).build(); } 


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