c# - How to create command in usercontrol? -

i'm developing first application in wpf pattern mvc , have question.

i have created usercontrol type grid made custom title bar. grid contains x button , want associate button command.

my grid in xaml:

<grid x:class="views.titlebarview"       xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"       xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"       xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"        xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"        mc:ignorable="d"       style="{dynamicresource titlestylegrid}"       x:name="barview">      <label x:name="labelappname" style="{dynamicresource titlestylelabel}" content="title"/>     <button x:name="bttnclose" style="{dynamicresource buttonstyleclosewindow}" command="{binding closecommand}"/>     <button x:name="buttonminimize" style="{dynamicresource buttonstyleminimizewindow}"  command="{binding minimizecommand}"/> </grid> 

the c# view:

public partial class titlebarview : grid {     public titlebarview()     {         initializecomponent();         titlebarviewmodel tvm = new titlebarviewmodel();         tvm.requestclose += (s, e) => this.close();         tvm.requestminimize+= (s, e) => this.minimize();         datacontext = tvm;     }      private void close()     {             window.getwindow(this).close();     }      private void minimize()     {             application.current.mainwindow.windowstate = system.windows.windowstate.minimized;     } } 

the c# viewmodel:

public class titlebarviewmodel : viewmodelbase, irequestminimizeviewmodel, irequestcloseviewmodel {     private relaycommand minimizecommand;     protected relaycommand closecommand;     public event eventhandler requestminimize;     public event eventhandler requestclose;      #region minimizecommand     public icommand minimizecommand     {                 {             if (minimizecommand == null)             {                 minimizecommand = new relaycommand(minimize);             }             return minimizecommand;         }     }       private void minimize()     {         requestminimize(this, null);     }     #endregion      #region closecommand     public icommand closecommand     {                 {             if (closecommand == null)             {                 closecommand = new relaycommand(close);             }             return closecommand;         }     }      protected void close()     {         requestclose(this, null);     }     #endregion } 

i saw it's not recommended set datacontext on usercontrol. , when this, can't change close command. example want when main windows calls command close calls application.current.shutdown(); instead of application.current.shutdown();

i know have wrong i'm confuse solve it. can explain me how create command usercontrol ? (or tell me i'm doing wrong)



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