three.js - Threejs Adding a shader to a 3d object -

i'm trying create shader 3d object generated maya.

i can 3d object load, when try apply shader i'm getting error:

gl error :gl_invalid_operation : gldrawelements: attempt access out of range vertices in attribute 1

from have read, understand need define vertices, have no idea on how this.

here code:

<html xmlns=""><head> <title>3d render</title> <script src="js/three.min.js"></script> <script src="js/objloader.js"></script> </head>  <body onload="start()" > <script>      var gl;     var camera, cubecamera, scene, renderer;      var intervalprogress;        var fov = 70,          lon = 0,          lat = 70,           phi = 0,          theta = 0;      init();      animate();       function init() {          camera = new three.perspectivecamera( fov, window.innerwidth / window.innerheight, 1, 1000 );           scene = new three.scene();          var mesh = new three.mesh( new three.spheregeometry( 500, 60, 40 ), new three.meshbasicmaterial({color: 0xffffff}) );          mesh.scale.x = -1;          scene.add( mesh );           var light = new three.pointlight(0xffffff);         light.position.set(0, 0, 500);         scene.add(light);          renderer = new three.webglrenderer( { antialias: true } );          renderer.setsize( window.innerwidth, window.innerheight );           document.body.appendchild( renderer.domelement );               var material = new three.meshbasicmaterial( { color:0xffffff } );          var loader = new three.objloader();          loader.load( "mesh/3d.obj", function ( object ) {                  object.traverse(function(child) {                         if (child instanceof three.mesh) {                               var vertshader = document.getelementbyid('vertexshader').innerhtml;                             var fragshader = document.getelementbyid('fragmentshader').innerhtml;                                                          var uniforms = {                                 texture1: { type: "t", value: three.imageutils.loadtexture( "textures/texture.jpg" ) }                             };                              material = new three.shadermaterial({                                 uniforms: uniforms,                                 vertexshader: vertshader,                                 fragmentshader: fragshader,                                 wrapping: three.clamptoedgewrapping,                                 shading: three.smoothshading,                                 side: three.doubleside                             });                               child.material = material;                             child.material.needsupdate = true;                             // child.material.color.setrgb (1, 0, 0);                           }                     });                      //set scale, position , rotation of object                       object.scale.set( 40,40,40 );                     object.rotation.x = 0;                     object.rotation.y = 90;                      object.position.y = 0;                      scene.add(object);                });         }      function animate() {          requestanimationframe( animate );         render();      }      function render() {          var time =;          lon += .15;          lat = math.max( - 85, math.min( 85, lat ) );         phi = three.math.degtorad( 90 - lat );         theta = three.math.degtorad( lon );          camera.position.x = 100 * math.sin( phi ) * math.cos( theta );         camera.position.y = 100 * math.cos( phi );         camera.position.z = 100 * math.sin( phi ) * math.sin( theta );          camera.lookat( scene.position );           renderer.render( scene, camera );      }      function start() {       var canvas = document.getelementbyid("glcanvas");        gl = initwebgl(canvas);      // initialize gl context        if (gl) {         gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);                      // set clear color black, opaque         gl.enable(gl.depth_test);                               // enable depth testing         gl.depthfunc(gl.lequal);                                // near things obscure far things         gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit|gl.depth_buffer_bit);      // clear color depth buffer.       }     }      function initwebgl(canvas) {       gl = null;        try {         // try grab standard context. if fails, fallback experimental.         gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl");       }       catch(e) {}        // if don't have gl context, give       if (!gl) {         alert("unable initialize webgl. browser may not support it.");         gl = null;       }        return gl;     }  </script>   <script id="vertexshader" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> varying vec2 vuv;  void main() {     vuv = uv;      gl_position =   projectionmatrix *                      modelviewmatrix *                      vec4(position,1.0); } </script>  <script id="fragmentshader" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> uniform sampler2d texture1;  varying vec2 vuv;  void main() {     gl_fragcolor = vec4(0.5, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0);  } </script> <canvas id="glcanvas" width="1" height="1"></canvas> <canvas width="1920" height="951"></canvas> </body> </html> 

i found problem, combination of mentioned above, cleaned code: here working example:

function loadobj(name, metal){  var material = null; loadtexture('textures/'+metal+'.jpg', function(texture){     loadtexture('normal/243-normal.jpg', function(texture2){         var material = createmetalshader(metal, texture, texture2);         var loader = new three.objloader();          loader.load( "mesh/"+name+".obj", function ( object ) {               object.traverse(function(child) {                 if (child instanceof three.mesh) {                      child.geometry = new three.geometry().frombuffergeometry( child.geometry );                       child.geometry.mergevertices();                       //assignuvs(child.geometry);                      child.material = material;                     child.verticesneedupdate = true;                     child.normalsneedupdate = true;                     child.uvsneedupdate = true;                      child.material.shading = three.smoothshading;                     child.geometry.computevertexnormals();                   }                  object.scale.set( 30,30,30 );                 object.rotation.x = 0;                 object.rotation.y = 90;                  object.position.y = 0;                 scene.add(object);                 currentmetalobject = object;             });         });     }); });   }  function loadtexture(path, callback){ var loader = new three.textureloader();  // load resource loader.load(path,function ( texture ) {         callback(texture);     },     function ( xhr ) {         console.log( (xhr.loaded / * 100) + '% loaded' );     },     function ( xhr ) {         console.log( 'an error happened' );     } );   }  function createmetalshader(metal, texturematcap, texturenormal){ var material = new three.shadermaterial({     uniforms: {         tnormal: {             type: 't',             value: texturenormal         },         tmatcap: {             type: 't',             value: texturematcap         },         time: {             type: 'f',             value: 0         },         bump: {             type: 'f',             value: 0         },         noise: {             type: 'f',             value: .04         },         repeat: {             type: 'v2',             value: new three.vector2(1, 1)         },         usenormal: {             type: 'f',             value: 0         },         userim: {             type: 'f',             value: 0         },         rimpower: {             type: 'f',             value: 2         },         usescreen: {             type: 'f',             value: 0         },         normalscale: {             type: 'f',             value: .5         },         normalrepeat: {             type: 'f',             value: 1         }     },     vertexshader: document.getelementbyid('vertexshader').textcontent,     fragmentshader: document.getelementbyid('fragmentshader').textcontent,     wrapping: three.clamptoedgewrapping,     shading: three.smoothshading,     side: three.doubleside }); material.uniforms.tmatcap.value.wraps = material.uniforms.tmatcap.value.wrapt = three.clamptoedgewrapping; material.uniforms.tnormal.value.wraps = material.uniforms.tnormal.value.wrapt = three.repeatwrapping; = name; return material; } 


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