richfaces - <h:outputText> not showing JTiday parsed data in <rich:popupPanel> -

i using jsf 2.2 , richfaces 4.5.1. in 1 of rich:popuppanel using h:outputtext tag show html data parsed jtidy. data response 1 of web services using.

jtidy adds cdata tag in parsed html seems primary reason why data not showing on screen. if remove cdata working fine , if put h:outputtext tag out of rich popup panel working fine cdata.

can 1 tell me reason why cdata cause of h:outputtext not showing data when part of rich:popuppanel?

here's popup:

<rich:popuppanel modal="true" width="600" id="responsepanel"      autosized="true" style="positon: relative;">      <f:facet name="header">         <s:span id="responsepanelheader">             <h:outputtext style="text-decoration:underline"                 value="#{armreportfile.armreport.providertype}" />         </s:span>     </f:facet>      <f:facet name="controls">         <span id="" class="closepanel"             onclick="#{rich:component('responsepanel')}.hide()"/>      </f:facet>      <s:div id="responsepanel1" style="max-height:565px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;">         <c:choose>             <c:when test="#{not empty armreportfile.armreport.rawhtmldata}">                 <h:outputtext value="#{armreportfile.rawhtmldataparsed}" escape="false"/>             </c:when>             <c:otherwise>                 <ui:include src="armadditionalproviderdetails.xhtml" />             </c:otherwise>                               </c:choose>         <c:if test="#{s:haspermission('view_configurations', null)}">             <span id="showxml_link" onclick="showxml('showxml_link')">                 view raw response </span>             <h:inputhidden value="#{armreportfile.armreport.rawdata}"                 id="rawdata" disabled="true" />             <c:if test="#{armreportfile.showproviderrequest()}">                 <span id="requestpanel_link" style="padding: 0px 10px;"                     onclick="showxml('requestpanel_link')">view raw request</span>                 <h:inputhidden value="#{armreportfile.armreport.rawproviderrequest}"                     id="rawrequest" disabled="true" />             </c:if>             <br class="clearfloat" />             <s:div id="xmlholder" style="display:none;"></s:div>             <s:div id="requestpanel_xmlholder" style="display:none;"></s:div>         </c:if>     </s:div> </rich:popuppanel> 


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