playframework - Play framework return error: no suitable method found for ok(ArrayList<String[]>)] -

i want play framework send arraylist android application. can view list on android app. play framework cannot return arraylist) how can solve this? thank you.

public static result get_latestlist() throws classnotfoundexception,         sqlexception {     string latestlist = "";     arraylist<string[]> etlist = new arraylist<string[]>();       multipartformdata body = request().body().asmultipartformdata();     string pagenumber = body.asformurlencoded().get("pagenumber")[0];     connection conn = null;     statement stmt = null;     resultset rs = null;      class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver");     conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/iea_db",             "rt", "yt");     stmt = conn.createstatement();     rs = stmt.executequery("select * list_table;");     while ( {         string[] oneset = new string[4];          oneset[0] = rs.getstring("username");         oneset[1] = rs.getstring("idname");         oneset[2] = rs.getstring("comment");         oneset[3] = rs.getstring("rank");         etlist.add(oneset);     }      conn.close();                        return ok(etlist); } 

i find solution: use json in play framework, this:

    objectnode result = json.newobject();      result.put("draw", integer.valueof(params.get("draw")[0]));     result.put("recordstotal", itotalrecords);     result.put("recordsfilter", itotaldisplayrecords);      return ok(result); 

in android, this:

  @override     protected jsonobject doinbackground(string... _uri) {         httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();         httpget httpget = new httpget(_uri[0]);         try {             httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httpget);             if (httpresponse.getstatusline().getstatuscode() == httpstatus.sc_ok) {                 bytearrayoutputstream outputstream = new bytearrayoutputstream();                 httpresponse.getentity().writeto(outputstream);                 outputstream.close();                 return new jsonobject(outputstream.tostring());             } else {                 httpresponse.getentity().getcontent().close();                 throw new ioexception();             }         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return null;     } 


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