javascript - Get a list of all checked checkboxes -

i figure out checkboxes checked , tried code:

$('.feature input[type="checkbox"').serialize(); 

this how html looks like:

<div class="feature">   <h2>features</h2>   <label><input class="custom_css" checked="" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> custom css (style.css)</label>   <label><input class="custom_js" checked="" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> custom javascript (script.js)</label>   <label><input class="modernizr" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> modernizr</label>   <label><input class="google_maps" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> google maps</label>   <label><input class="custom_api" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> custom api</label>   <label><input class="font_awesome" type="checkbox" name="feature[]"> font awesome</label> </div> 

and output get:

array(1) { ["var_sent_via_ajax"]=> string(67) "feature%5b%5d=on&feature%5b%5d=on&feature%5b%5d=on&feature%5b%5d=on" }

now how can know of them has been checked? , signs %5b%5d mean?

about: %5b%5d
answer: raw http encoded values of "[]" (result of serialize function).
when server parses converts [] , sends application threat array.

about why getting dummy: "feature%5b%5d=on&feature%5b%5d=on..." string
answer: you've forgot give every checkbox value parameter, like: "feature%5b%5d=custom_css&feature%5b%5d=custom_js..."

i've wrote solution.
take working example , handle "feature" param of request on server-side app string , shrink "," (php: $features = explode(',', $_post['features']);

$(function() {        $('#getfeatures').click(function() {      var features = [];      $('.feature input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {        features.push($(this).val());      });      $('#selectedfeatures').html(features.join(','));    });  });
<script src=""></script>    <div class="feature">    <h2>features</h2>    <label><input class="custom_css" checked="" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="custom_css"> custom css (style.css)</label>    <label><input class="custom_js" checked="" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="custom_js"> custom javascript (script.js)</label>    <label><input class="modernizr" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="modernizr"> modernizr</label>    <label><input class="google_maps" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="google_maps"> google maps</label>    <label><input class="custom_api" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="custom_api"> custom api</label>    <label><input class="font_awesome" type="checkbox" name="feature[]" value="font_awesome"> font awesome</label>  </div>    <button id="getfeatures">get features</button>  <div id="selectedfeatures"></div>


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