i trying create customuser django project email username , add radio button truck , company. in registration process email-id registered per truck or company. mentioned radio button 'tag' , add manytomany field tag in emailuser model. when makemigrations, raising error : (fields.e300) field defines relation model 'abstractemailuser' either not installed, or abstract. i quite new django , not sure whether have created correct code wants. please me solving this. here code, models.py: import django django.contrib.auth.models import ( abstractbaseuser, baseusermanager, permissionsmixin) django.core.mail import send_mail django.db import models django.utils import timezone django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy _ class emailusermanager(baseusermanager): """custom manager emailuser.""" def _create_user(self, email, password, is_staff, is_superuser, **extra_fields): """create , save emailus...
i'm trying code cyclic autocorrelation function in matlab follows: t=0:(n-1); t=t*te; i_alpha=0; tau=-n2*te:te:n2*te; alpha=-1/2:1/n:1/2; ryy_cl=zeros(length(alpha),length(tau)); alpha=alpha/te ind_tau=0; i_alpha=i_alpha+1; k=tau ind_tau=ind_tau+1; if k>0 % ryy_cl(i_alpha,ind_tau)=1/length(sig_bin_syl_mod(1:end- k))*sum((sig_bin_syl_mod(1:end-k)).*sig_bin_syl_mod(k+1:end)).*exp(1i*2*pi*alpha*t(1+k:length(sig_bin_syl_mod(1:end)))); ryy_cl(i_alpha,ind_tau)=(1/n)*sum((sig_bin_syl_mod(1:end-k)).*sig_bin_syl_mod(k+1:end)).*exp(-1i*2*pi*alpha*t(1:end-k)); else ryy_cl(i_alpha,ind_tau)=(1/n)*sum((sig_bin_syl_mod(1-k:end)).*sig_bin_syl_mod(1:end+k)).*exp(-1i*2*pi*alpha*t(1-k:end)); end end end i'm getting errors, , doesn't show expecting. according below formulae, how can fix it? the code provided incomplete, difficult confidently reproduce error. in particular, haven't de...
i trying use grpc in laravel project. this part of composer.json file: "require": { ... "datto/protobuf-php": "dev-master", "google/auth": "^0.7.0", "grpc/grpc": "dev-release-0_13", ... } i have generated php file proto file. placed in app/services/ , included in composer.json autoload.files section. have run composer install without issues. i have created route testing. has following code: $client = new vat_service\vatserviceclient('localhost:50051', [ 'credentials' => grpc\channelcredentials::createinsecure() ]); but receive response class 'grpc\channelcredentials' not found. when visit route. the laravel app running in homestead vagrant box. i don't know how proceed. missing dependency? did miss install something? i have solved problem, not sure of below steps solution. things tried: i installed grpc-beta in homestead box (...
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