mvc - Firebase 3: creating a custom authentication token using .net and c# -
i'm trying implement firebase 3 authentication mechanism using custom tokens (as described @ https://
my server mvc application.
so according instructions ( i've created service account firebase application , generated key in '.p12' format.
after according instructions here ( tried generate custom token , sign using key received on previous step. token generation used systemidentitymodel.tokens.jwt library microsoft, code looks following:
var = datetime.utcnow; var tokenhandler = new jwtsecuritytokenhandler(); var key = new x509asymmetricsecuritykey(new x509certificate2(p12path, p12pwd)); var signincredentials = new signingcredentials(key, "", ""); int32 nowinunixtimestamp = (int32)(now.subtract(new datetime(1970, 1, 1))).totalseconds; var token = tokenhandler.createtoken( issuer: serviceaccountemail, audience: "", signingcredentials: signincredentials, subject: new claimsidentity(new claim[] { new claim("sub", serviceaccountemail), new claim("iat", nowinunixtimestamp.tostring()), new claim("exp", (nowinunixtimestamp + (60*60)).tostring()), new claim("uid", uid) }) ); var tokenstring = tokenhandler.writetoken(token);
then tried sign in user in react native application using firebase javascript sdk, following code:
//omitting initialization code firebase.auth().signinwithcustomtoken(firebasejwt).catch(function(error) { console.log('error authenticating firebase user. code: ' + error.code + ' message: ' + error.message); });
but got error firebase saying:
error authenticating firebase user. code: auth/invalid-custom-token message: custom token format incorrect. please check documentation.
experimenting adding different claims token expiration control didn't either.
also tried generate tokens "dvsekhvalnov/jose-jwt" library can't working "rs256" algorithm.
so question:
any suggestion on doing wrong?
this pure .net solution works me, using org.bouncycastle ( , jose.jwt ( libraries.
i followed these steps:
- in firebase console click 'cog' icon top left, next project name, , click 'permissions'.
- at iam , admin page, click 'service accounts' on left
- click 'create service account' @ top, enter 'service account name', select 'project->editor' in role selection, tick 'furnish new private key' checkbox , select json
- click 'create' , download service account json file , keep safe.
open service account json file in suitable text editor , put values following code:
// private_key service account json file public static string firebaseprivatekey=@"-----begin private key-----\nmiie...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n-----end private key-----\n"; // same public static string firebasepayloadaud=""; // client_email service account json file public static string firebasepayloadiss=""; public static string firebasepayloadsub=""; // token 'exp' - max 3600 seconds - see public static int firebasetokenexpirysecs=3600; private static rsaprivatecrtkeyparameters _rsaparams; private static object _rsaparamslocker=new object(); void main() { // example custom claims var uid="myuserid"; var claims=new dictionary<string, object> { {"premium_account", true} }; console.writeline(encodetoken(uid, claims)); } public static string encodetoken(string uid, dictionary<string, object> claims) { // rsaprivatecrtkeyparameters if haven't determined them if (_rsaparams == null) { lock (_rsaparamslocker) { if (_rsaparams == null) { streamreader sr = new streamreader(generatestreamfromstring(firebaseprivatekey.replace(@"\n","\n"))); var pr = new org.bouncycastle.openssl.pemreader(sr); _rsaparams = (rsaprivatecrtkeyparameters)pr.readobject(); } } } var payload = new dictionary<string, object> { {"claims", claims} ,{"uid", uid} ,{"iat", secondssinceepoch(datetime.utcnow)} ,{"exp", secondssinceepoch(datetime.utcnow.addseconds(firebasetokenexpirysecs))} ,{"aud", firebasepayloadaud} ,{"iss", firebasepayloadiss} ,{"sub", firebasepayloadsub} }; return jose.jwt.encode(payload,, jwsalgorithm.rs256); } private static long secondssinceepoch(datetime dt) { timespan t = dt - new datetime(1970, 1, 1); return (long)t.totalseconds; } private static stream generatestreamfromstring(string s) { memorystream stream = new memorystream(); streamwriter writer = new streamwriter(stream); writer.write(s); writer.flush(); stream.position = 0; return stream; }
to working in iis needed change application's pool identity , set "load user profile" setting true.
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