c# - Cannot deserialize the current JSON object to generic List type -

question background:

i'm using newtonsofts json.net desearlize xml response aws service c# object strcuture.

the issue:

i'm receiving following error message when trying deserialize on imageset class category property :

cannot deserialize current json object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) type 'system.collections.generic.list`1[shoppingcomparisonengine.aws.awsrootlistpriceobject.imageset]' because type requires json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) deserialize correctly.  fix error either change json json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change deserialized type normal .net type (e.g. not primitive type integer, not collection type array or list<t>) can deserialized json object. jsonobjectattribute can added type force deserialize json object.  path 'items.item[1].imagesets.imageset.category', line 1, position 12122. 

i should add have no control on returned xml , in turn have no control on large object structure need deserialize response into.

the code:

var awspricelostmodel = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<awslistpricerootobject>(fullyescapeddata);  

the following c# class model 'imageset'

public class imagesets {     [jsonproperty("imageset")]     public list<imageset> imageset { get; set; } }  public class imageset {     [jsonproperty("category")]     public string category { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("swatchimage")]     public swatchimage swatchimage { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("smallimage")]     public smallimage2 smallimage { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("thumbnailimage")]     public thumbnailimage thumbnailimage { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("tinyimage")]     public tinyimage tinyimage { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("mediumimage")]     public mediumimage2 mediumimage { get; set; }     [jsonproperty("largeimage")]     public largeimage2 largeimage { get; set; } } 

this screenshot showing json response category property highlighted throwing error:

enter image description here

any trying work out why there error being thrown on desearlizing list json c# appreciated.

i'm not sure raw json looks like, i'd try 1 of 2 things:

  1. use [jsonarray]attribute (docs) on imageset property.

    [jsonarray] public list<imageset> imageset { get; set; } 
  2. consider different name imageset property, or name being serialized to. you've doubled on imageset name, using represent name of class property holds list of class.

best of luck.


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