windows - Python 3 - tkinter , ignore socket.herror and continue -

i try resolve hosts using socket module via gui made using tkinter here part of code , main issue error receive while resolving routers name

for line in p.stdout:             fiw = open("1.txt", '+a')             line = str(line)             if "received = 1" in line:                 hostad = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip3 +str(i))                 if hostad:                     try:                         print(hostad)                     except socket.herror:                         print(hostad)                 fiw.write("received reply " + ip3 +str(i)+"\n")                 print("received reply " + ip3 +str(i)+"\n")                 print(socket.gethostbyaddr(ip3 +str(i))) 

the error :

socket.herror: [errno 11004] host not found 

script won't run further used print here example tried pass tried

except socket.herror err:               print(err)               pass 

also tried using pass in method

you have try ... except around wrong thing, instead of

hostad = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip3 +str(i)) if hostad:     try:         print(hostad)     except socket.herror:         print(hostad) 

it should

try:     hostad = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip3 +str(i))     print(hostad) except socket.herror:     pass # code execute in case of error 

the error message refers "reverse dns lookup failure" explained in python sockets: gethostbyaddr : reverse dns lookup failure

if hostname formed in line

hostad = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip3 +str(i)) 

does not have reverse dns record, exception thrown.


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