symfony - Form Theming doesn't work witn templates rendred by pugxmultiuserbundle -

i'm using symfony3. have separate template theming forms , works in forms in templates doesn't work forms inside templates rendered pugxmultiuserbundle

i have created action test , have rendred etudiant.form.html.twig form theming , works , have said above , if rendred pugxmultiuserbundle theme doesn't work


{% form_theme form ':frontend/form:fields.html.twig' %}      {{ form_start(form, {'method': 'post', 'action': path('etudiant_registration'), 'attr': {'class': 'fos_user_registration_register'}}) }}       {{ form_widget(form) }}      <div>          <input type="submit" value="{{ 'registration.submit'|trans }}"/>     </div>  {{ form_end(form) }} 


pugx_multi_user:   users:     etudiant:         entity:           class: appbundle\entity\etudiant         registration:           form:             type: appbundle\form\user\registrationetudiantformtype           template: fosuserbundle:registration:etudiant.form.html.twig         profile:           form:             type: appbundle\form\user\profileetudiantformtype   # aothers entities 


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