node.js - MongoDB/Mongoose: updating two different fields in Mongoose model -

is possible this:

var updatedata = {     "$set": {        content: 'foo'     },     "$push":{        versions: {          some: 'bar'        }     }  };  model.update({},updatedata, {}); 

or need 2 or more separate updates?

there 1 update of course , mongoose has nothing it, , passes through operation directly. reading documentation $set should shed bit more light on in general.

your syntax bit off , should be:

model.update({},updatedata,function(err,numaffected) {  }); 

and of course if wanted affect multiple documents , not first match ( default here ), pass in "multi":

model.update({},updatedata,{ "multi": true },function(err,numaffected) {  }); 

the suggestion of .find() , .save() shown not happens here , wrong way this. operation sequence means "two" operations touch database, , importantly possible data change in between .find() operation , changes committed in .save() can overwrite data.

operators $set .update() , related methods processed atomically. there 1 contact database , point of such operators change data "in place" without needing return client modification.

one true statement in comments turn of debugging:


and see actual statements passed through driver mongodb.

it's 1 operation, , depending on arguments supplied can of course affect multiple fields , multiple documents.


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