JSON.parse() is not converting my PHP string to a JavaScript object -
i have used json_encode()
echo associative array php javascript through $.post method:
$.post("php/myfile.php", {}, function(data){ exercises = data; //exercises = json.parse(data); // console -> uncaught referenceerror: json not defined alert(typeof exercises); // alerts -> string alert(exercises); // alerts -> {"1":"bench press","2":"squat","3":"deadlift"} alert(json.stringify(exercises)); // console -> uncaught referenceerror: json not defined });
for reason can't convert string javascript associative array using json.parse()
what's issue?
you can pass json
datatype ajax call jquery pass converted value
$.post("php/myfile.php", {}, function (exercises) { alert(typeof exercises); // alerts -> string alert(exercises); }, 'json');
in code problem case of json
, should json.parse()
not json.parse()
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