javascript - convert function with multiple .get() inside jQuery .each to q promise -

i'm using excellent answer question convert svg images inline html.

the function looks through container or body, finds each .svg image , converts them inline html.

however, uses $.get() call retrieve svg files makes function asynchronous.

i'd convert function promise can wait complete before running other things (like adding or removing classes new inline html etc)

my current attempt looks this:

util.convertsvgimages = function(container) {     var deferred = q.defer();     container = typeof container !== 'undefined' ? container : $("body");      var getstocomplete = jquery('img.svg', container).length;   // total number of $get.() calls complete within $.each() loop     var getscompleted = 0;                                      // current number of $get.() calls completed (counted within $get.() callback)      jquery('img.svg', container).each(function(index) {         var img = jquery(this);         var imgid = img.attr('id');         var imgclass = img.attr('class');         var imgurl = img.attr('src');         jquery.get(imgurl, function(data) {             getscompleted += 1;              var svg = jquery(data).find('svg');                         // svg tag, ignore rest              if (typeof imgid !== 'undefined') {                         // add replaced image's id new svg                 svg = svg.attr('id', imgid);             }              if (typeof imgclass !== 'undefined') {                 svg = svg.attr('class', imgclass + ' replaced-svg');    // add replaced image's classes new svg             }              svg = svg.removeattr('xmlns:a');                            // remove invalid xml tags per              svg.attr('class', img.attr("data-svg_class") + " svg");     // add class svg object based on image data-svg_class value              $('rect', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");             $('line', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");             $('path', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");             $('polyline', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");             $('polygon', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");             $('circle', svg).attr("stroke", "").attr("fill", "");              img.replacewith(svg);                                       // replace image new svg              if (getscompleted === getstocomplete){                 deferred.resolve('ok');             }         }, 'xml');     });     return deferred.promise; }; 

what best way use promises within asynchronous calls inside $.each() loop ? using q.all() ?

jqueery.get returns promise, so, can use that, , make array of promises can used in q.all (or promise.all matter )

util.convertsvgimages = function(container) {     // ... snip     var promises = jquery('img.svg', container).map(function(index) {         // ... snip         return jquery.get(imgurl, function(data) {             // ... snip         }, 'xml');     });     return q.all(promises); }; 



note: if .get fails, q.all reject as there failure rather resolve once .gets have finished ... may want use q.allsettled instead - wait .get finish (success or fail) , can check failures in .then code. see documentation q.allsettled


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