ios - After scrolling table cell image display previous images in swift. Though the image url display correct -
i have problem in cell image. describe in bellow.
screen having table containing 1000 cells.
each cell consist of a) image b) labels.
image , labels data comes json.
using of afnetwork purse json , bind label , image. problem in image. labels bind. json image url come correctly. display previous cell images when scrolling started. 1st time when scrolling not start image display perfectly. after scrolling problem start , show previous cell image.
func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell { if self.arrpostimage![indexpath.row] as! string == "" { let cell1: cellnewnoimage = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell2") as! cellnewnoimage return cell1 } else { let cell1: cellformyactivitymaintableview = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell") as! cellformyactivitymaintableview cell1.title.text = self.arrtitle![indexpath.row] as? string cell1.postdate.text = self.arrpostdate![indexpath.row] as? string cell1.postdescription.text = self.arrpostdescription![indexpath.row] as? string //=========== problem start ==================== self.arrpostpersonimg![indexpath.row] = self.arrpostpersonimg![indexpath.row].stringbyaddingpercentencodingwithallowedcharacters(nscharacterset.urlqueryallowedcharacterset())! let imgpath = self.arrpostpersonimg![indexpath.row] let url12 = nsurl(string:imgpath as! string ) getdatafromurl(url12!) { (data, response, error) in dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { () -> void in guard let data = data error == nil else { return } cell1.postpersonimg.image = uiimage(data: data) } } self.arrpostimage![indexpath.row] = self.arrpostimage![indexpath.row].stringbyaddingpercentencodingwithallowedcharacters(nscharacterset.urlqueryallowedcharacterset())! let imgpath2 = self.arrpostimage![indexpath.row] let url122 = nsurl(string:imgpath2 as! string ) if let url = nsurl(string:imgpath2 as! string) { if let data = nsdata(contentsofurl: url) { cell1.postimage.image = uiimage(data: data) } } return cell1 }
func getdatafromurl(url:nsurl, completion: ((data: nsdata?, response: nsurlresponse?, error: nserror? ) -> void)) { nsurlsession.sharedsession().datataskwithurl(url) { (data, response, error) in completion(data: data, response: response, error: error) }.resume() }
when setting postpersonimage url set image view image nil before image path , try. like
cell1.postpersonimg.image = nil
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