acts as taggable on - (Rails 4, acts_as_taggable_on): Using dynamic context in controller -

acts_as_taggable_on great , easy work when using static contexts. i'm trying store tags selected user in context depends on 1 of model's attributes.

the model ingredient , has attribute center_id. i'd user able select tags , context string based on center_id.

i need getting right code controller , view.


class ingredient < activerecord::base   belongs_to :center 


module ingredientshelper   def get_all_tags_for_center     return ingredient.tags_on(get_tags_context)   end    def get_tags_context     "c#{@ingredient.center_id}_ingredient"   end end 

view - tried this, may not right thing dynamic contexts:

<%= f.association :tag_list %> <%= :tag_list, options_for_select(get_tags, @ingredient.tag_list_on(get_tags_context)), {}, {class: 'doselect2', multiple: true } %>     <% end %> 

controller - needed.

solved. future readers:


@ingredient.set_tag_list_on get_tags_context, params[:tags].join(",") if @ingredient.update_attributes(ingredient_params)   .   . end 


<%= select_tag "tags[]", options_for_select(get_tags, @ingredient.tag_list_on(get_tags_context)), class: 'doselect2', multiple: true  %> 


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