python - Open a webpage and return a dictionary of links on that page -

i wanted write function opens webpage , returns dictionary of links , text on page. tried it's giving me error. can do?

def process(url):     myopener = myopener()     #page = urllib.urlopen(url)     page =      text =     page.close() 

example input

<a href=' .com/some/file.html'>link text</a> 


{"":link text.."} 

welcome stack overflow,

you haven't shown myopener does, have used own. code uses python 3 , beautiful soup 4 html parser (a personal favorite) on python wikipedia article.

root_url = "" html_string = retrieve_webage(root_url + "/wiki/python_%28programming_language%29") soup = beautifulsoup(html_string) output = {} # can redefine soup here parse part of page link in soup.find_all('a'):     linkhref = link.get('href')     if not linkhref:         # ingnore blank hyperlinks         pass     elif linkhref[0] == '/':         # add root url relitive links         linkhref = root_url + linkhref     output[linkhref] = link.text 

this script overwrite links identical href attributes reads them down page. can learn more beautiful soup here.

feel free comment below if have questions


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